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Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
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Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
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Who is Donald Trump?

Who is Donald Trump?

Revelation 13:18 (NKJV)
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Donald John Trump = 666
Trump: I'm not Christian - Watch
Trump: I'm not Christian - Watch
'I'm not a Christian!' Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it! - Watch
'I'm not a Christian!' Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it! - Watch
Jul 28, 2024
Listen to the podcast below!
I'm not a Christian!' Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians they still refuse to believe it!
Listen to the Broadcast (podcast)

Mark of the Beast
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
No hand on Bible
President Donald Trump took the oath of office without placing his hand on the bible.
Trump did not place his hand on a stack of two Bibles held by first lady Melania Trump during his swearing-in, but instead he stood with his left arm down by his side as he raised his right hand for the oath of office.
I am a conservative Christian that previously voted for Trump. But I have discovered information about Trump that sheds a different light upon him...
Dr. Claudia Albers states that Satan uses open disclosure. He lies to us and openly states that he is lying to us. This is because God will not allow him to do what he wants unless he openly discloses it to us first. Open disclosure gives Satan power.
Dr. Claudia Albers states They want people to be taken in by a lie that has been clearly shown to be a lie, for this is when Lucifer has the power to do the most harm to people. The creating of a lie and yet clearly disclosing that it is a lie is Lucifer's signature. The human 'powers that be' use it as if it is magic, it is like an act of worship of the father of lies, which gives them power to do what they want, but which it is really what he wants. (Dr. Claudia Albers, 1632, April 3, 2020).
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
"Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief."
- Frantz Fanon
Trump rallies play the Rolling Stones' song 'Sympathy for the Devil' - Watch
Trump rallies play the Rolling Stones' song 'Sympathy for the Devil' - Watch
MAGA is the highest degree in the Church of Satan
The Antichrist, Donald Trump occupies the highest position (MAGA) in the hierarchy of the demons
High Witch Marina Abramović confirms that Donald Trump is The Highest Rank in The Church of Satan - Watch
High Witch Marina Abramović confirms that Donald Trump is The Highest Rank in The Church of Satan - Watch
Trump's New Bible Offering: Guess What's on the Front Cover? - Watch
Trump's New Bible Offering: Guess What's on the Front Cover? - Watch
Dec 17, 2024
Eyes Wide Shut - Lies Wide Shut - Eyes Wide Open - Watch
Eyes Wide Shut - Lies Wide Shut - Eyes Wide Open - Watch
The man you don't know - Donald J. Trump - Antichrist
The man you don't know - Donald J. Trump - Antichrist
Today is November 6th, 2024, the day after the Presidential election. America has once more elected Donald J. Trump as their President. Unfortunately for America, Donald J. Trump is the Antichrist. America has chosen it's own destruction.
Higher Security at Mar-a-Lago: Robotic dogs spotted patrolling the area - Watch
Higher Security at Mar-a-Lago: Robotic dogs spotted patrolling the area - Watch
Nov 8, 2024
President Donald Trump: 'He Is The Magician Of The Highest Order.' - MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ
President Donald Trump: 'He Is The Magician Of The Highest Order.' - MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ
Dec 24, 2024
War time president
War Time President
Duh! Trump is a New York Jew!
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)
Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis stated the following "Apparently Putin has said that he has submarines all around America ready to nuke the whole country".
Knowing - Everything Burns - Watch
Knowing - Everything Burns - Watch
Peace and Safety
Trump Executive Order to ban 'Antisemitism' & What you can do about it. - Watch
Trump Executive Order to ban 'Antisemitism' & What you can do about it. - Watch
Note: This video was removed from both as well as
Feb 4, 2025
Calling the White House is like the chickens calling the fox and complaining about missing chickens from the chicken coop.
Massive Emperor Trump Float Presides Over Italian Carnival - Watch
Massive Emperor Trump Float Presides Over Italian Carnival - Watch
5 years ago
Gun Control - A Jewish Prerogative - Watch
Gun Control - A Jewish Prerogative - Watch
Nov 25, 2024
Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices - Watch
Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices - Watch
Nov 25, 2025
Second Amendment
Trump is Taking your Guns Under False Flag Pretense FALSE FLAG ALERT: MAGA Trump is Taking your Guns - his words - Watch
Trump is Taking your Guns Under False Flag Pretense FALSE FLAG ALERT: MAGA Trump is Taking your Guns - his words - Watch
Nov 25, 2025
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Trump is Taking your Guns - his words - Watch
Trump is Taking your Guns - his words - Watch
Nov 25, 2025
The DARK Truth About Donald Trump & Deceived Christians - Watch
The DARK Truth About Donald Trump & Deceived Christians - Watch
Nov 26, 2024
Listen to the podcast below!
The DARK Truth About Donald Trump and Deceived Christians
Listen to the Broadcast (podcast)

Prince of peace?? - Watch
Prince of peace?? - Watch
Nov 26, 2024
Trump Converted to Judaism - Watch
Trump Converted to Judaism - Watch
Dec 11, 2024
Trump's MAGA Automatons Final March
Lowkey EXPOSES Donald Trump's Pro Israel Funders - Watch
Lowkey EXPOSES Donald Trump's Pro Israel Funders - Watch
Nov 27, 2024
Donald J. Trump: Is he the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition? - Watch
Donald J. Trump: Is he the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition? - Watch
Nov 28, 2024
Trump rallies play the Rolling Stones' song 'Sympathy for the Devil' - Watch
Trump rallies play the Rolling Stones' song 'Sympathy for the Devil' - Watch
The Zionist Occupied Government of Trump 47 - Watch
The Zionist Occupied Government of Trump 47 - Watch
Nov 14, 2024
Trump the Flaming Zionist - Watch
Trump the Flaming Zionist - Watch
Dec 1, 2024
The Real Israel - Watch
The Real Israel - Watch
Nov 30, 2024
Two scheming Jews!
Two scheming Jews!
Vax Daddy King Jew Donald Trump Joe Rogan Alex Jones Dustin Nemos Brandon Kroll Jesse Hal VictorHugo - Watch
Vax Daddy King Jew Donald Trump Joe Rogan Alex Jones Dustin Nemos Brandon Kroll Jesse Hal VictorHugo - Watch
Dec 21, 2024
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Listen to the podcast below!
MAGA or MIGA (Make Israel Great Again)? - Listen
(Podcast provided by Power of Prophecy)
Listen to the Broadcast (podcast)

Power of Prophecy
1 Corinthians 2:14
But people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.
Here, this is the top secret plan behind 'MOSHIACH' Donald J. Trump - Watch
Here, this is the top secret plan behind 'MOSHIACH' Donald J. Trump - Watch
Jul 20, 2024
Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump 'crown of Jerusalem'
Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump 'crown of Jerusalem'
Trump given the silver Torah crown, "Crown of Jerusalem"
July 16, 2023
Jewish Group Awards Trump Menorah for Israel Support, Fighting Antisemitism
Jewish Group Awards Trump Menorah for Israel Support, Fighting Antisemitism
6 Mar 2024
Trump Stages His Head Wound - Watch
Trump Stages His Head Wound - Watch
Jul 14, 2024
The Antichrist (Trump) receives a "head wound" and shows the world his defiant fierce contenance!
Donald Trump 'saved by tiny reflex move just split-second before being shot at'
Donald Trump 'saved by tiny reflex move just split-second before being shot at'
Jul 14, 2024
Revelation 13:3 (NKJV)
And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
Trump has a fierce countenance...
Daniel 8:23-25 King James Bible
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Netanyahu Meets Trump, Presents Him with Photo of Child Hostage
Netanyahu Meets Trump, Presents Him with Photo of Child Hostage
The world is being played by these two Jews! Just wait until Trump is elected, then you will see!
26 Jul 2024
The Demonic People That Runs Our World - Watch
The Demonic People That Runs Our World - Watch
Nov 7, 2024
Watch Live: Donald Trump Gives Keynote Address at TPUSA Faith Summit
Watch Live: Donald Trump Gives Keynote Address at TPUSA Faith Summit
Trump's speech is from the ultimate con artist. His folksy talk to the gullible crowd. Not a word of truth. Trump IS the Antichrist. We will all see what will happen after the inauguration next year (2025). Can you believe that the American people are about to reelect someone that has killed and injured millions of people by his Warp Speed program which produced the COVID-19 vaccine?
26 Jul 2024
Trump's right ear
Trump's right ear on July 26, 2024, after the "assassination attempt" on July 13, 2024.
Do you see any injury on his right ear?
BIG REVEAL: Trump's Bandage Comes Off Showing... Minor Discoloration? Can The Gaslighting Stop Now? - Watch
BIG REVEAL: Trump's Bandage Comes Off Showing... Minor Discoloration? Can The Gaslighting Stop Now? - Watch
Jul 27, 2024
Heinz ketchup packet
Heinz ketchup packet
Trump's right ear
Just reading LEVITICUS 8 KJV and couldn't help but notice verse 23.
The first attempted "assassination" of Trump was a Masonic Countefeit Biblical Consecration Ritual referencing Aaron's consecration by Moses in
23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
Trump also was "crowned" by 150 Rabbis with the Keter Yerushalayim (Crown of Jerusalem) on the 10th of July 2023.
Reckon he ain't being prepared for some International Position! Think again
Exclusive: A Two-Story Trump Statue Drawing on His Iconic Defiance Post-Assassination Attempt Is Under Construction
Exclusive: A Two-Story Trump Statue Drawing on His Iconic Defiance Post-Assassination Attempt Is Under Construction
27 Nov 2024
Can you believe this? They are actually constructing a statue with Trump with his clenched fist! A statue to commemorate a staged and contrived event! Read the facts on this website concerning Trump's assassination attempt and judge for yourself!
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'I'm not a Christian!' Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it! - Watch
'I'm not a Christian!' Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it! - Watch
Jul 28, 2024
Israeli TV Anchor Says We Israelis are Coming To Kill Everyone In The World Including America - Watch
Israeli TV Anchor Says We Israelis are Coming To Kill Everyone In The World Including America - Watch
Jul 27, 2024
The Synagogue of Trump! - Watch
The Synagogue of Trump! - Watch
Aug 12, 2024
Owned By Israel - Trump - Watch
Owned By Israel - Trump - Watch
Jews Flock to Trump Event at Madison Square Garden; Dems: 'Nazi Rally' - Watch
Jews Flock to Trump Event at Madison Square Garden; Dems: 'Nazi Rally' - Watch
27 Oct 2024
The New York Jews rejoice and show their support for their fellow New York Jew, Donald Trump. Israel's Jewish Knesset and Jewish Sanhedrin declared that Donald J. Trump was the Jewish Moshiach and Trump was also awarded the silver Torah crown , "Crown of Jerusalem". So the Jews have publicly stated who is their Moshiach, (their Jewish Messiah), (their King of the Jews) which is the Antichrist. When are the foolish American goyim ever going to wake up?
New York Jews rejoicing and dancing in support of Trump - Watch
New York Jews rejoicing and dancing in support of Trump - Watch
Oct 27, 2024
Trump and Ark
Donald J. Trump, Antichrist, with a replica of the Ark of the Covenant for the counterfeit Israel.
Trump Shekel (front)
Trump Shekel (back)
Jewish Sanhedrin Mints Silver Half Shekel With Images of Trump and Cyrus
Ark of the Covenant At Trump's Mar-a-Lago
New 'Ark of The Covenant' Constructed as a Weapon and 'Communication Device' was Taken to Trump Before Bringing it to Jerusalem
New 'Ark of The Covenant' Constructed as a Weapon and 'Communication Device' was Taken to Trump Before Bringing it to Jerusalem
October 31, 2024
Donald Trump: Operation Warp Speed WEAPONIZED VACCINE (In His Own Words) - Watch
Donald Trump: Operation Warp Speed WEAPONIZED VACCINE (In His Own Words) - Watch
Oct 31, 2024
Notice that Trump makes a Freudian slip and almost says the word "weapon" instead of the word "vaccine".
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American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in Freedom
American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in Freedom
October 14, 2024
Trump Wants to Use the U.S. Military Against American Citizens who are 'Sick Radical Left Lunatics'
Trump Wants to Use the U.S. Military Against American Citizens who are 'Sick Radical Left Lunatics'
October 13, 2024
Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution
Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution
May 4, 2024
Jewish King (Antichrist) of Fake Israel
Jewish King (Antichrist) of Fake Israel
Duh! Trump is a New York Jew!
Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff
Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff
November 7, 2024
As a result of Trump's Operation Warp Speed which produced the COVID-19 vaccine there are approximately 5.5 billion people that have received that vaccine. There currently is approximately 8.2 billion people on this planet Earth. Subtract 5.5 from 8.2 and the result is 2.7 billion left. Now the Georgia Guidestones says the Satanic Jews are planning for only 500 million people to be left on Earth after they are done. Subtract 500 million from 2.7 billion and the result is 2.2 billion. Now Trump only has to eliminate 2.2 billion and the Satanic Jews will reach their goal of 500 million people left on Earth.
Make big pharma rich again
I can't lower grocery prices. But I will kill your children with polio!
Trump Betrayed America - Watch
Trump Betrayed America - Watch
Dec 18, 2024
Jared Kushner Involved in Staffing the New Trump Administration - Watch
Jared Kushner Involved in Staffing the New Trump Administration - Watch
Nov 24, 2024
New World Order (NWO)
Alex Jones Accepts White House Press Secretary Roll, Striking Fear In DC Swamp Creatures
Alex Jones Accepts White House Press Secretary Roll, Striking Fear In DC Swamp Creatures
Jones says he'd serve for a short period before passing the torch to other deserving patriots.
November 11th, 2024 8:34 AM
Alex Jones may possibly become the White House Press Secretary. Alex Jones is what I would call a "half truther". He is controlled opposition for the Illumnati. Alex Jones is a false prophet. Should he become the White House Press Secretary, then that would make him The False Prophet for the Antichrist (Donald J. Trump).
Con game
Meet Matthew North: They Killed Him For Making This Video.. Dead In the Car He's Filming In - Trump - Watch
Meet Matthew North: They Killed Him For Making This Video.. Dead In the Car He's Filming In - Trump - Watch
This video was first published July 2018 by Matthew himself. Matthew North died at the young age of 23. He was found shot in the head in his car, labelled suicide. The medical examiner at Berrien, MI, pronounced him dead on 09/27/2020, mentioning his real name Matthew W. Kiewel. R.I.P. Matthew North. This video was originally on "" but was REMOVED. The video can still be found on "" at the location:
Dec 25, 2025
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis stated the following "Apparently Putin has said that he has submarines all around America ready to nuke the whole country".
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
Khazar Jews in 1876. DNA studies show that today's Jews are descendents of the Khazars.
The Khazarian Mafia: How fake Jews took over the planet
The Khazarian Mafia: How fake Jews took over the planet
Posted on January 16, 2023
Unmask the Khazarian Mafia documentary - Watch
Unmask the Khazarian Mafia documentary - Watch
Nov 27, 2024
It was clearly articulated by Bibi Netanyahu in 1990 at Finks Bar in Jerusalem as the following transcript from his voice recording will show. This recording was witnessed by senior Intel Officers who were surveilling him. Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is the present Prime Minister of Israel.
Consider these words of this racist, subhuman operative leader (Netanyahu) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia which were captured on tape at Finks Bar. This is the incredibly evil anti-human who planned, ordered and supervised the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01. Don't be fooled by his two faced lies any more which are dispensed frequently by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia's controlled major mass media.
Here are Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's recorded words spoken at Finks Bar in Jerusalem in 1990:
"If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn't matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World's biggest welfare state that we will create and control."
"Why? Because it's god's will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves."
Recorded words spoken by Netanyahu
Christian Zionism
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Evangelical Christians flock to Republicans over support for Israel
Mon 6 Mar 2023 03.00 EST
Trump Netanyahu Masonic handshake
Trump Netanyahu Masonic handshake
Jewish Rabbis Crown Their Messiah - Watch
Jewish Rabbis Crown Their Messiah - Watch
Jun 20, 2024
Tweedledum (Trump) and Tweedledee (Harris) (both are evil)
Tweedledum (Trump) and Tweedledee (Harris) (both are evil)
Both are for COVID-19 vaccinations and both are for the evil, Satanic, Khazarian, fake Israel. So which do you choose? Neither one... You choose Jesus Christ, and that's how you win!
Did You Forget, America? Is Memory Loss a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect? Americans to Vote for Their Favorite Pro COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
Did You Forget, America? Is Memory Loss a COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect? Americans to Vote for Their Favorite Pro COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
October 28, 2024
Condemned Criminals Exposed again - Watch
Condemned Criminals Exposed again - Watch
Apr 17, 2024
March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order
March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order
July 20, 2015
"Maintain humanity under 500 million" (Translation: Depopulation/genocide of 6.5 billion people).
March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order (PDF)
January 24, 2015
Georgia Guidestones: Anonymous Monument Of The Illuminati
Georgia Guidestones: Anonymous
Monument Of The Illuminati

Sunday, April 5, 2015
Georgia Guidestones Demolished For "Safety Reasons"
Georgia Guidestones Demolished For "Safety Reasons"
July 7th 2022, 7:44 am
  I believe that the same people that built the Georgia Guidestones are the same people that blew it up. What is the Freemasonry motto? "Order Out of Chaos". Blowing up their own monument is certainly chaos, now comes the order, The New World Order that is... Dr. Claudia Albers states that Satan uses open disclosure. He lies to us and openly states that he is lying to us. This is because God will not allow him to do what he wants unless he openly discloses it to us first. Open disclosure gives Satan power. The Georgia Guidestones was their open disclosure. Now that the same people that built it have blown it up, they obviously believe that the open disclosure requirement has been fulfilled and they are now free to do what they have planned.
New World Order (NWO)
Power of Prophecy
State of the Nation
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Solution to Counter Jewish Worldwide Takeover
Solution to Counter Jewish Worldwide Takeover
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
Revelation 17:5 NKJV
5 And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth.
The Whore of Babylon Riding the Beast
The Whore of Babylon (Ashkenazi Jews) riding the Beast (primarily the United States of America).
Every Single Aspect of Trump's Campaign Funding Is Jewish
Every Single Aspect of The Biden Administration Is Jewish
Trump Was "Chosen" To Facilitate The Transition to The New World Order Video - Watch
Trump Was "Chosen" To Facilitate The Transition to The New World Order Video - Watch
First published at 15:26 UTC on August 24th, 2023.
Trump Was "Chosen" To Facilitate The Transition to The New World Order Video
Thursday, September 14, 2023 12:20
Trump Stages His Head Wound - Watch
Trump Stages His Head Wound - Watch
Jul 14, 2024
15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump as the Antichrist - Watch
15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump as the Antichrist - Watch
June 22, 2024
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The Serapeum
Trump: the Son of Perdition - Watch
Trump: the Son of Perdition - Watch
"We will finally complete the biometric entry-exit Visa tracking system, which we need desperately."
Jan 29, 2024
Comedy Look At Trump Warp Speed Vax !! - Watch
Comedy Look At Trump Warp Speed Vax !! - Watch
Jun 26, 2024
Catherine Austin Fitts - Trump Put $10 Billion Dollars Into A Programme To Depopulate The US.
Catherine Austin Fitts - Trump Put $10 Billion Dollars Into A Programme To Depopulate The US.
Feb 21, 2024
Trump Still Supports Covid Vaccines, Ignores Adverse Reactions & Deaths - Dr JANE RUBY SHOW - Watch
Trump Still Supports Covid Vaccines, Ignores Adverse Reactions & Deaths - Dr JANE RUBY SHOW - Watch
June 24, 2023
WEF and Trump
Trump and WEF
WAKE UP!!! Bill Gates wants to work with Donald Trump to build a 'brighter future' - Watch
WAKE UP!!! Bill Gates wants to work with Donald Trump to build a 'brighter future' - Watch
Nov 10, 2024
Man of sin gets to proclaim his anti-gospel
Trump Tweet on Twitter
Tweet created: 4:44 PM - 08 Sep 2020
Antichrist is king over Israel
Trump Tweet on Twitter
Tweet created: 9:25 PM - 21 Sep 2020
Revelation 13:18 (NKJV)
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
And that man is Donald J. Trump!
President Trump: the Antichrist, the man who made a covenant with many 'to make America great again', in 2016, 49 years after the command to restore Jerusalem was issued on June 28th 1967, and thus the beginning of the tribulation, according to Dan. 9:24-27. He is also the Corona Beast: Donald Trump is the man who merged with the machine and thus gave it life. CORONA is an AI entity that lies and confirms its lies as lies, just like its creator or father, Satan, the father of lies. CORONA = 666. Corona means crown, which links current events to the opening of the first seal of Revelation 6, where the rider of the white horse is given a crown. (Dr. Claudia Albers, 1760., Thursday, May 21, 2020)
GOP Primary - 666 delegates for Trump
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'Nuclear World War III Under Biden': Trump's big warning amid Russia-Ukraine conflict | Watch
'Nuclear World War III Under Biden': Trump's big warning amid Russia-Ukraine conflict | Watch
April 5, 2023
Donald J. Trump is the Antichrist. He is plainly stating to us what is exactly about to happen to us.
Operation Trust Deception Still In Progress - Watch
Operation Trust Deception Still In Progress - Watch
This video provides information of the many Ashkenazi Jews that are in the Trump organization as well as those that support Trump. It provides glaring proof of how we (America) have been both subverted and infiltrated by the Ashkenazi Jews.
Published 4 months ago
Rabbi Dovid Katz gifts a silver Torah crown to former President Trump - Watch
Rabbi Dovid Katz gifts a silver Torah crown to former President Trump - Watch
Trump given the silver Torah crown, "Crown of Jerusalem"
Jul 16, 2023
Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump 'crown of Jerusalem'
Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump 'crown of Jerusalem'
Trump given the silver Torah crown, "Crown of Jerusalem"
July 16, 2023
Jewish Group Awards Trump Menorah for Israel Support, Fighting Antisemitism
Jewish Group Awards Trump Menorah for Israel Support, Fighting Antisemitism
6 Mar 2024
Trump family is Chabad
The Truth of Trump - Stupid, Evil? The Antichrist? - Watch
The Truth of Trump - Stupid, Evil? The Antichrist? - Watch
First published at 06:57 UTC on December 26th, 2023.
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
Beware of false prophets
Matthew 7:15 NKJV 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess 2:10
The prophecy concerning the sign given to us as who the Antichrist is written in the Book of Daniel.
Daniel 9:27 New King James Version (NKJV)
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.
Donald Trump made a peace plan in the Middle East. During his term in office as president the Coronavirus arose. When the Coronavirus first appeared, Trump publicly stated that the virus was the Beast. As a consequence of the Coronavirus, there were lockdowns on all houses of worship which bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And because of the lockdowns, the city streets became desolate, one who makes desolate.
Trump and dove
Photo taken in November 1985. Peace plan confirmed in January 2020.
Donald Trump...Antichrist? (slideshow) - Watch
Donald Trump...Antichrist? (slideshow) - Watch
rTump666 (Reddit website)
rTump666 (Reddit website)
Still Don't Believe He Is The Antichrist?
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Donald Trump initiated the program Operation Warp Speed to produce a vaccine in response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Corona is the Latin name for crown. Note that the rider on the white horse of the first seal will receive a crown (Coronavirus) to conquer (read below, Revelation 6:1-2). This so-called "vaccine" was produced without any safety trials and tests. Now those vaccines are injuring and killing people.
90% of the U.S. media is controlled by 6 media giants: Comcast, Newscorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. The media uses propaganda to influence us and control us.
There is an element of reverse-psychology involved in how Trump is portrayed by the media so that we sympathize with Trump's predicament of him always being the underdog and attacked by the media. I believe that the media appearing to hate Trump is contrived. That the media in fact is being controlled by Trump. The fact is, that Trump initiated the program that produced the COVID-19 vaccines and this clearly shows who Trump really is. The COVID-19 vaccines are the Mark of the Beast and Trump is the Antichrist!
2 Timothy 2:26 (NKJV)
26 and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
The snare of the devil are the COVID-19 vaccines. Do not be tricked and lulled into taking the vaccines!
On September 8, 2020, at 4:44 PM, Donald J. Trump made the following Tweet on Twitter: "As I sit here in the beautiful 3rd Temple, I proclaim myself to be God." Isn't that exactly what the Antichrist is going to proclaim according to Bible prophecy? How can you explain such a Tweet?
See the full video and transcript of Trump suggesting disinfectant might be injected as a coronavirus cure
Apr 24, 2020, 8:33 AM
Trump urges all Americans to get COVID vaccine: 'It's a safe vaccine' and it 'works'
Published March 16
Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated "But I recommend take the vaccines," Trump said. "I did it. It's good. Take the vaccines."
August 22, 2021
Trump's endorsement of Covid-19 vaccines increased uptake in counties with low vaccination rates
Trump's endorsement of Covid-19 vaccines
increased uptake in counties with low vaccination rates

Updated 3:53 PM ET, Wed April 6, 2022
rabbis meeting with Trump
Trump being told he has the same 424 Jewish gematria as the Messiah - Watch
Jan 28, 2020
Donald Trump: 'I am the chosen one' - Watch
Donald Trump: 'I am the chosen one' - Watch
Thu Aug 22 2019
Trump "chosen one"
MAGA is the highest title given in the Satanic church
MAGA hat
Date: Friday, 3-Dec-2021 04:28:24
MAGA is the highest degree in the Church of Satan
The Antichrist, Donald Trump occupies the highest position (MAGA) in the hierarchy of the demons
High Witch Marina Abramović confirms that Donald Trump is The Highest Rank in The Church of Satan - Watch
High Witch Marina Abramović confirms that Donald Trump is The Highest Rank in The Church of Satan - Watch
MAGA - The fifth degree of the Church of Satan
MAGA is the highest title given in the Satanic church
And as far as everyone wearing those MAGA hats. Do you know what the word "MAGA" stands for? MAGA is the highest title given in the Satanic church.
President Trump is worshipped by 110,000 Indian people at a rally in India, all of them wearing a Trump hat, which was left on each chair for them to wear and take home.
Indian man prays to life-size statue of Donald Trump, his 'god'

February 19, 2020 12:52pm
Mark of the Beast Upon Their Foreheads
Mark of the Beast Upon Their Foreheads
Saturday, April 18, 2020
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MAGA Country
Trump Proclaims He's the Antichrist, Republicans Say it's Fine Since He Said it Publicly
Trump Proclaims He's the Antichrist,
Republicans Say it's Fine Since He Said it Publicly

October 4, 2019
Trump quotes:
"Okay, I'm the Beast From the Abyss, the man of sin, the son of perdition but I am not a witch and the Democrats' impeachment is a witch hunt,"
"Who else could have perfect conversations, I mean perfect, with the president of Ukraine? I only know of one guy who's perfect, God, so if I have perfect conversations, that means I've got to be God. It's not me saying that, it's logic,"
"Whether you like Trump or you don't like Trump, it's thanks to me and only me that Jesus is coming back... which... since I'm God... means that Jesus is my son... hey, I can finally get rid of Eric!"
45 Biblical Reasons Donald J Trump is the Antichrist - Watch
45 Biblical Reasons Donald J Trump is the Antichrist - Watch
Sep 22, 2020
Donald John Trump = 666
Revelation 13:18 (NKJV)
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
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Jews don't marry non-Jews...

Joe Biden's children all married Jews.
Beau Biden married Hallie Olivere (Jew)
Ashley Biden married Howard Krein (Jew)
Hunter Biden married Melissa Cohen (Jew)
Three of Donald Trump's children married Jews.
Eric Trump married Lara Yunaska (Jew)
Ivanka Trump married Jared Kushner (Jew)
Donald Trump Jr. married Vanessa Kay Haydon (Jew)
Tiffany Trump married Michael Boulos (ethnicity unknown)
Barron Trump is not married
In Israel a Jew cannot marry a Gentile
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Trump and Biden are both surreptitious Jews! They are working in concert to bring America down! Wake up America!
Donald Trump's grandfather's original last name was Drumpf, which is a Jewish name - Watch
Donald Trump's grandfather's original last name was Drumpf, which is a Jewish name - Watch
6 years ago
The Jewish Family Tree Of Donald Trump
The Jewish Family Tree Of Donald Trump
Published on Mar 7, 2022
Do the math on Donald J. Trump (Antichrist):

1. Trump publicly declared that he was not a Christian.
2. Jewish rabbis told Trump that he has the same 424 Jewish gematria as the Messiah.
3. Israel's Jewish Knesset and Jewish Sanhedrin declared that Donald J. Trump was the Jewish Moshiach.
4. Jewish Sanhedrin minted a Shekel coin with Trump's image on it.
5. A Jewish Menorah was given to Trump.
6. The silver Crown of Jerusalem was given to Trump. Only the Jewish Moshiach can wear that crown.
7. Replica of Ark of the Covenant was inspected by Trump before going to counterfeit Israel.
8. 3 of Trump's children are married to Jews.
9. Donald Trump declared "I am the chosen one".
10. Italians produced a massive Trump float for their parade.
11. A two story statue of Trump clenching his fist is being constructed.
12. Trump supports Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
13. Trump made the following statement on Twitter on Sep 8, 2020:
       As I sit here in the beautiful 3rd Temple, I proclaim myself to be God.
14. Trump made the following statement on Twitter on Sep 21, 2020:.
       This beautiful 3rd temple was built because of me and no one else.
       I am the only one that could have done it! I am truly the King of the World.
15. Trump has plaque of Chabad hanging on his wall.
       Chabad is a Russian Jewish mafia cult that hates Jesus, and promotes genocide.
16. Trump created the peace plan called the Abraham Accords.
       Photo of Trump was taken with dove in November 1985. The peace plan was confirmed in January 2020.
17. MAGA is the fifth degree position in the Church of Satan.
18. Trump's Jewish last name of Drumpf was changed to Trump.
       The name Don Drumpf in the English Gematria equals 666.
19. Trump created the program "Operation Warp Speed" to create the COVID-19 vaccine.
       That COVID-19 vaccine has injured or killed millions.
20. Trump's ex-wife died in a fall the day before a court deposition against Donald Trump.
21. Trump Tower was designed as the Temple of Baal.
22. Trump built FEMA Internment Camps.
23. Trump has repeatedly publicly displayed the Illuminati hand gesture.
24. The Trump Crest of Arms has the same image of a double headed eagle as that of the Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry.
25. There was a book entitled "President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ" published which was written by Helgard Müller.
26. The Chinese Buddists created a buddha statue of Trump.
27. An Indian man made a life-size statue of Trump to which he prays to.
28. Trump suggested disinfectant might be injected as a coronavirus cure.
29. Trump's grandchildren are learning Mandarin.
30. The numerical values for the letters in the name Donald John Trump add up to 666.

Good Cop - Bad Cop
Trump - Biden
Two heads of one snake - Watch
Two heads of one snake - Watch
Jun 24, 2024
Partners in crime
Biden wearing Jewish kippah (skull cap)
Biden wearing Jewish kippah (skull cap)
Ashkenazi Jews Control US Government! - Watch
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Trump wearing Jewish kippah (skull cap)
Trump wearing Jewish prayer shaw
Trump with rabbis
Super zionist Trump
I'm the best thing that could happen to Israel.
Six Pointed Star
Make note of the "Star of David," the symbol of the Jews and of Israel and Rothschild. Count the number of triangles on the Star. Count also the number of outer points of the Star and the number of lines of the hexagon within the Star. Do you not come up with the numbers "six-six-six"?
crop circle
Star of Remphan
Star of David = Star of Remphan - Watch
Star of David = Star of Remphan - Watch
Nov 1, 2023
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Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) in U.S. Government
Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) in U.S. Government
Jews in the White House
Jews in the White House
Young Trump
Jews and U.S. Presidents
President Trump created Operation Warp Speed
President Trump created Operation Warp Speed. Which was the program to create the COVID-19 vaccines. You have the Antichrist (Donald Trump) creating the Mark of the Beast (COVID-19 vaccines). What could be more clearer?
Operation Warp Speed - DARPA
WARP Speed
Trump vaccines
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Trump lies
Trump vaccine
Trump Discusses 'Operation Warp Speed' To Develop And Distribute Vaccines | MSNBC - Watch
Trump Discusses 'Operation Warp Speed' To Develop And Distribute Vaccines | MSNBC - Watch
Aired on 05/15/2020.
Catherine Austin: Voting for Trump, it's like voting for Stalin. Trump Gave $18 Billion to the Department of Defense to Engineer a Mass Atrocity via Operation Warp Speed - Watch
Catherine Austin: Voting for Trump, it's like voting for Stalin. Trump Gave $18 Billion to the Department of Defense to Engineer a Mass Atrocity via Operation Warp Speed - Watch
Oct 25, 2024
Snakes On a Plane - Watch
Snakes On a Plane - Watch
August 30th 2022, 12:10 pm
This video is Donald Trump reciting a poem about a snake biting a woman. And then at the end of the poem, the woman is blamed for the snake biting her. You have the Antichrist (Donald Trump) reciting a poem about a snake (serpent's bite, COVID-19 vaccine, AKA Mark of the Beast) biting a woman and then blaming that woman for receiving the vaccine. You just can't make this stuff up!
Donald Trump: "I am the Father of the COVID Vaccine - Get Those Shots Everyone!"
Donald Trump: "I am the Father of the COVID Vaccine - Get Those Shots Everyone!"
September 4, 2022
The Trump Vaccine - Watch
The Trump Vaccine - Watch
Aug 27, 2022
Why are Trump's grandkids learning Mandarin?
Why are Trump's grandkids learning Mandarin?
Chinese UN "Peace Keepers" used for enforcement in the New World Order.

Oct 6, 2016
Trump shows Xi and Peng video clips of his granddaughter singing Chinese songs - Watch
Trump shows Xi and Peng video clips of his granddaughter singing Chinese songs - Watch
7 years ago
The Infancy Of A Global Police Force: Chinese Law Enforcement 'Service Stations' Operating In USA & Dozens Of Other Nations
The Chinese government is allegedly setting up global police stations
Thursday, September 29, 2022
The Donald J. Trump Accord? (John 5:43)..."if another shall come in his own name."
The Donald J. Trump Accord? (John 5:43)..."if another shall come in his own name."
Published a year ago
Trump Shekel
Trump Shekel
1760. President Trump: the Antichrist confirming the covenant
Donald J. Trump is the CORONA Beast
Trump Doing Sword Dance
Trump Doing Sword Dance
Trump at Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
Trump at Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
Trump is a Kabbalist
Trump is a Kabbalist
Crosses Are Banned On Federal Land
The Greatest Lie Ever Told - Watch
The Greatest Lie Ever Told - Watch
Donald Trump - LIAR!
Donald Trump - LIAR!
Trump tells restaurant patrons 'Food for everyone!' then leaves without paying
Thu, June 15, 2023 at 6:08 PM EDT
Trump's full recovery
Trump Holds Event To Celebrate COVID Vaccine
Behold! Donald Trump and the mysterious glowing orb. - Watch
Behold! Donald Trump and the mysterious glowing orb. - Watch
May 22, 2017 at 7:17 a.m. EDT
Sick Leftists Suggest Trump Had His Ex-Wife Killed To Avoid Deposition
Sick Leftists Suggest Trump Had His Ex-Wife Killed To Avoid Deposition
July 15th 2022, 4:26 am
Ivana dies the day before the deposition. Coincidence?
This article states that "sick leftists" immediately suggested that he had her murdered in order to avoid a deposition in a case over his properties".
These are some of the Twitter troll comments (from this article):
"So Ivana Trump was found dead at the bottom of the stairs in her apartment the day before Trump was to give his deposition? Do I have that right? Was she Epsteined?"
"It's so weird how an expert skier like Ivana Trump could die falling down the stairs."
This is my opinion on the matter:
Really? "Sick leftists" saying she was "Epsteined"? I am a conservative, not a leftist, and I find her death occurring one day before the deposition highly suspicious!
Trump family depositions in New York attorney general investigation delayed due to Ivana Trump's death
Published July 15, 2022 8:01 AM
Man of sin gets to proclaim his anti-gospel
Trump Tweet on Twitter
Tweet created: 4:44 PM - 08 Sep 2020
Trump Threatens Death and Destruction - Watch
March 25, 2023
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Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
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List of some of the topics presented on this website

Antichrist is king over Israel
Trump Tweet on Twitter
Tweet created: 9:25 PM - 21 Sep 2020
Trump arrested and released after 20 minutes on bail, surprisingly returns to Twitter and publishes his mugshot
Trump arrested and released after 20 minutes on bail, surprisingly returns to Twitter and publishes his mugshot
The former US president had been absent from Twitter since 2020
Washington, August 25 2023
Trump has a fierce countenance in his mugshot.
Daniel 8:23-25 King James Bible
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
2 Thessalonians 3:4 New King James Version (NKJV)
3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
Dr. Claudia Albers states The covenant that the Antichrist will break is the one he made with the US population and that is to make the 'US great again'. He is instead going to bring it trouble and destruction, and purge it of those who have God living on the inside, those who are the temple of God (we are the third temple). The Antichrist is the man that David Goldberg identified as having meetings with rabbis and been told to declare himself King of Israel, which he has done, and how he should then proceed to exterminate millions of people in the US. (Dr. Claudia Albers, 1600, April 3, 2020).
The temple of God is the human body of those that have the Holy Spirit within them:
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 New King James Version (NKJV)
16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
2 Corinthians 6:16 New King James Version (NKJV)
16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people."
By people allowing themselves to be injected with the vaccine, they have allowed Satan to enter into the third temple. The third temple being the human body. Do NOT receive the vaccine, even if the penalty for not receiving it is death.
Matthew 24:15 (NKJV) 15 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand),
By those allowing their body (the third temple) to be injected with the vaccine, they are in effect driving the Holy Spirit out, leaving them to be desolate. The vaccine is the abomination of desolation.
Matthew 16:25 New King James Version (NKJV)
25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
People trying to save their lives with the vaccine will lose it, while people forfeiting their lives by refusing the vaccine will save their lives.
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Simpsons Donald Trump 2000 vs Trump escalator entrance 2015 - Watch
Simpsons Donald Trump 2000
vs Trump escalator entrance 2015 - Watch

(Notice the falling sign.)
Oct 6, 2015
Predictive Programming!
Predictive programming from 1958: Character named Trump as a MAGA magician
Published August 12, 2022
Predictive Programming!
Foreshadowing in Illuminati New World Order Card Game
July 11, 2022
Predictive Programming: Donald Trump and "Enough is Enough" from Illuminati Card Game 1980s - 1990s - Watch
Predictive Programming: Donald Trump and "Enough is Enough" from Illuminati Card Game 1980s - 1990s - Watch
2 years ago
Charismatic Leader Card from the Illuminati Card Game (1995) and Donald Trump
Charismatic Leader Card from the Illuminati Card Game (1995) and Donald Trump
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Donald and Melania Trump and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Donald and Melania Trump and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein
Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein (Ashkenazi Jew)
Trump and Epstein
Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island - Watch
Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island - Watch
Jan 8, 2024
Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment.
Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry
Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry
Notice that the eagle has two heads. One head is the apparent adversary (bad guys) and the other is controlled opposition (bad guys pretending to be good guys). This way the bad guys control both sides of the struggle. This ensures that the bad guys will ultimately win because they control both sides.
Trump Crest of Arms
Trump Crest of Arms
Note that the Trump Crest of Arms has the same image of a double headed eagle as that of the Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry.
Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills – How to spot them. What aren't they telling you?
Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills – How to spot them. What aren't they telling you?
January 31, 2018
Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills – How to spot them. What aren't they telling you? (PDF)
January 31, 2018
Entity Art - Awakening Articles and My Art
Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?
Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?
November 25, 2022
Is Trump a Freemason? Trump Tower 666 - Temple of Baal - Watch
Is Trump a Freemason? Trump Tower 666 - Temple of Baal - Watch
5 years ago
Trump Tower features the numbers 666 on an inverted pyramid. The edifice of Trump Tower exhibits seven sections that rise like 7 pillars of Baal. Trump's penthouse begins on the 66th floor. He has mythological deities on his ceiling. He also posseses mythological deities in the form of statues. His penthouse replicates the interior of a (Freemasonry) Grand Lodge... The pillars inside his penthouse are in pairs (like those of a Grand Lodge).
Sign in Trump Tower
Sign in Trump Tower reads:
Trump Tower
New York City requires you to be
vaccinated against COVID-19
to enter this area
He Cast Truth to the Ground - Is Trump the Antichrist? - Watch
He Cast Truth to the Ground - Is Trump the Antichrist? - Watch
October 11, 2022
Trump IS the Antichrist
Trump IS the Antichrist
Yes, Donald Trump Is the Antichrist
Of course the next question is: what kind of antichrist is he?
Jan 11, 2022
Wake the F up! Trump accepts endorsement of luciferian freemasons! Both sides are working together!! - Watch
Wake the F up! Trump accepts endorsement of luciferian freemasons! Both sides are working together!! - Watch
Sep 7, 2024
Watchman's Cry
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Epstein, Maxwell and the MEGA Group
Epstein, Maxwell and the MEGA Group
Sorry Losers and Haters
Featured Attributes and Traits of the AntiChrist
Featured Attributes and Traits of the AntiChrist
6 Years Ago
Evangelicals vote for him
Trump sign
What word was replaced?
Flag of the Antichrist (Trump)
Flag of the Antichrist (Trump)
Trump Zings Elon: I Could Have Told Him 'Drop to Your Knees And Beg' And He Would Have Done It
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Trump and Musk
Elon Musk wearing a "Satan" suit bearing an upside down cross and a Baphomet goat head on that suit.
Elon Musk (Ashkenazi Jew) wearing a "Satan" suit bearing an upside down cross and a Baphomet goat head on that suit. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, which provides the satellite component of the Beast System. Those satellites communicate with the 5G towers which thereupon communicate with the nanobots within the vaccinated people.
Donald Trump: 'The world is going to be blown to pieces' - Watch
Donald Trump: 'The world is going to be blown to pieces' - Watch
Apr 26, 2022
Trump statue
Trump bust
Good Cop - Bad Cop
Compilation Of Senile Creeper Joe Clips Shows The American Empire Is Over - Watch
The Antichrist (Trump) receives a "head wound" and shows the world his defiant fierce contenance!
Donald Trump 'saved by tiny reflex move just split-second before being shot at'
Donald Trump 'saved by tiny reflex move just split-second before being shot at'
Jul 14, 2024
Revelation 13:3 (NKJV)
And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.
Trump has a fierce countenance...
Daniel 8:23-25 King James Bible
23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Trump and Clinton yukking it up
Donald and Bill golfing
The Trumps and the Clintons
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Trump holding Jew babies
Bush, Clinton And Obama NGO Teams Up With AmEx Global To Fly Migrants Into The US
Bush, Clinton And Obama NGO Teams Up With AmEx Global To Fly Migrants Into The US
April 24th 2023
We're behind Trump, no matter what!
My work here is almost done.
My plan for America? I call it "The Final Solution".
Camera ON - Camera OFF
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order - Who are the "Jews"?
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order - Who are the "Jews"?
June 20, 2021

Illuminati hand gesture
Illuminati hand gesture
Is Trump a Freemason? - Watch
Is Trump a Freemason? - Watch
Nov 10, 2024
Trump with Illuminati hand gesture
Notice that Trump is again displaying the Illuminati hand gesture
Notice that Trump is again displaying the Illuminati hand gesture
Trump with Illuminati hand gesture
Trump with Illuminati hand gesture
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Merkel and Trump with Illuminati hand gesture
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Eric Trump at 2025 Inauguration
Eric Trump displaying the Illuminati hand sign at his father's 2025 Inauguration
Trump Netanyahu Masonic handshake
Trump Netanyahu Masonic handshake
Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry
Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry
Notice that the eagle has two heads. One head is the apparent adversary (bad guys) and the other is controlled opposition (bad guys pretending to be good guys). This way the bad guys control both sides of the struggle. This ensures that the bad guys will ultimately win because they control both sides.
Trump Crest of Arms
Trump Crest of Arms
Note that the Trump Crest of Arms has the same image of a double headed eagle as that of the Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry.
Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?
Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Is Trump Tower in New York a Satanic Temple?
November 25, 2022
Is Trump a Freemason? Trump Tower 666 - Temple of Baal - Watch
Is Trump a Freemason? Trump Tower 666 - Temple of Baal - Watch
5 years ago
Trump Tower features the numbers 666 on an inverted pyramid. The edifice of Trump Tower exhibits seven sections that rise like 7 pillars of Baal. Trump's penthouse begins on the 66th floor. He has mythological deities on his ceiling. He also posseses mythological deities in the form of statues. His penthouse replicates the interior of a (Freemasonry) Grand Lodge... The pillars inside his penthouse are in pairs (like those of a Grand Lodge).
Sign in Trump Tower
Sign in Trump Tower reads:
Trump Tower
New York City requires you to be
vaccinated against COVID-19
to enter this area
Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment.
Angela Merkel with rhombus hand gesture
Angela Merkel (Ashkenazi Jew)
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Celebrities with rhombus hand gesture
religious leaders
The one criteria that should be used to determine on which side (good or evil) a member of the clergy stands on is this: Is that member of the clergy FOR the COVID-19 vaccine or AGAINST it? How can any member of any clergy advocate receiving the COVID-19 vaccine (which is the Mark of the Beast)?
Angela Merkel and Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping and Angela Merkel (Ashkenazi Jew)
Olaf Scholz with rhombus hand gesture
Theresa May with rhombus hand gesture
President of Turkey with rhombus hand gesture
Rihanna showing Illuminati gesture
Trump showing Illuminati handsign
Trump IS a member of the Illuminati!
Pope and Trump
President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ (book)
President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ (book)
by Helgard Müller
This book is blasphemy!
NWO: Trump was educated by the Jesuits & is a Vatican puppet - Watch
NWO: Trump was educated by the Jesuits & is a Vatican puppet - Watch
Jun 19, 2024
Saudi Arms Deal
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Eyes Wide Shut - Lies Wide Shut - Eyes Wide Open - Watch
Eyes Wide Shut - Lies Wide Shut - Eyes Wide Open - Watch
Eyes Wide Shut (movie) with Tom Cruise
Eyes Wide Shut (movie) with Tom Cruise
1999, 2h 39m
The Hidden Messages in "Eyes Wide Shut"
Published on July 8, 2013
Stanley Kubrick unexpectedly died only five days after submitting the final cut of the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" to Warner Bros. Coincidence?
1972 Rothschild Illuminati Party: Creepy Leaked Photos
Illuminati Banks - Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Ashkenazi Jews Control US Government! - Watch
Ashkenazi Jews Control US Government! - Watch
The Jewish Mafia Rules the World - Watch
The Jewish Mafia Rules the World - Watch
Dec 6, 2022
Jewish Actors and Actresses (A Comprehensive List)
Jewish Actors and Actresses (A Comprehensive List)
created - 26 Sep 2012 | updated - 15 Oct 2014
They Live (movie) Clip - Obey (1988) - Watch
They Live (movie) Clip - Obey (1988) - Watch

Trump is one of them - Watch
Aug 14, 2024
Covidians - Watch
Covidians - Watch
Jan 4, 2023
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis stated the following "Apparently Putin has said that he has submarines all around America ready to nuke the whole country".
Israel Introduces Bill to Outlaw Teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sentence Violators to Prison
Israel Introduces Bill to Outlaw Teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sentence Violators to Prison
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
'Death to Christians!' Holy Land Christians Under Unprecedented Attack in Far-Right Israel
'Death to Christians!' Holy Land Christians Under Unprecedented Attack in Far-Right Israel
Monday, April 17, 2023
'They're not like you & I. They're true life monsters. I got to see them...' Captain Joseph Cortana - Watch
'They're not like you & I. They're true life monsters. I got to see them...' Captain Joseph Cortana - Watch
Captain Joseph Cortana is talking about the Jews!
Aug 16, 2024
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GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
The genetic ancestry of Jews
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA studies show that today's Jews are descendents of the Khazars.
Fake images of Trump arrest show 'giant step' for AI's disruptive power
Fake images of Trump arrest show 'giant step' for AI's disruptive power
Wed, March 22, 2023 at 10:17 PM EDT
This is an AI generated image showing Trump's arrest. Completely bogus! But can you tell if it's real or not?
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
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Coronavirus and Vaccine Information
Coronavirus and Vaccine Information
Dr. Claudia Albers' Writings
Dr. Claudia Albers' Writings
Mark of the Beast
  Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
God's Witness
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
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Is Nuclear War Imminent?
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence that Dr. Claudia Albers is God's witness
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculation for Time Lag
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
Wake Up America!

References from the Bible
Revelation 6:1-2 New King James Version (NKJV)
6 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, Come and see. 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Beware of false prophets
Matthew 7:15 NKJV 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
Man of sin gets to proclaim his anti-gospel
Trump Tweet on Twitter
Tweet created: 4:44 PM - 08 Sep 2020
Antichrist is king over Israel
Trump Tweet on Twitter
Tweet created: 9:25 PM - 21 Sep 2020
Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution
Exposing the Antisemitism Noahide Laws that Criminalize Belief in Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah Punishable by Execution
May 4, 2024
You Won't Have To Vote If You Ain't Got No Head - Watch
You Won't Have To Vote If You Ain't Got No Head - Watch
Jul 30, 2024
The Neal Sutz Story: How Donald Trump Covered Up The Largest Child Trafficking Story in Switzerland and Arizona During His First Presidency
September 19, 2024
The father of the vaccine
For Every $1 Pfizer Gave Trump, They Got $2,000 Taxpayer Dollars - Watch
For Every $1 Pfizer Gave Trump, They Got $2,000 Taxpayer Dollars - Watch
Mar 10, 2024
Quotes by Donald J Trump
Trump fish
The Trump fish... The most cunning fish in the sea...
Con Men
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It is a con
Smooth talk
Trump - Illuminati
Donald Trump - Operation Goldfish: Trust the Plan - SATIRE - Watch
Donald Trump - Operation Goldfish: Trust the Plan - SATIRE - Watch
Notice the Heinz Ketchup Packet behind his ear.
Jul 17, 2024
Puppet of Zion: Trump is the Swamp? - Watch
Puppet of Zion: Trump is the Swamp? - Watch
Dec 21, 2024
Trump Tatoo - Watch
Trump Tatoo - Watch
You have to ask yourself... Does the "Trump people" have some kind of spell cast over them? Why would anyone in their right mind do this to theirself?
This video actually makes me cringe! Why would the tatoo artist even allow this?
Father of the vaccine
Trump buddha statue
Chinese Buddists worship Buddha. By having a Trump buddha statue, do they now worship Trump?
MAGA Statue of Liberty
MAGA Statue of Liberty
Daniel 11:37 (NKJV)
37 He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.
Given Daniel 11:37, which says the Antichrist will "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all", will the Antichrist be androgynous?
Androgynous is defined as having traditional male and female roles obscured or reversed.
MAGA is the highest degree in the Church of Satan
The Antichrist, Donald Trump occupies the highest position (MAGA) in the hierarchy of the demons
President Donald Trump: 'He Is The Magician Of The Highest Order.' - MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ
President Donald Trump: 'He Is The Magician Of The Highest Order.' - MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ
This video states that Trump chose MAGA rather than MAGUS
Dec 24, 2024
Trump family is androgynous
Trump family is androgynous
This is stated in the video "President Donald Trump: 'He Is The Magician Of The Highest Order.' - MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ" (above)
Melania Trump was born a male.
Ivanka Trump was born a male.
Jarred Kushner was born a female and previously registered as a female voter.
Hierarchy in the Church of Satan
Maga/Magus (Fifth degree position)
Maga being feminine
Magus being masculine
Trump chose to use MAGA rather than MAGUS, ask yourself why?
Revelation 17:5 NKJV
5 And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth.
The Whore of Babylon Riding the Beast
The rider of the Beast is a woman
Borg queen
The leader of the Borg is a woman
Nephilim bloodline?
Barron Trump is 18 years old and is "6 foot 9 inches" tall (actually taller) and still growing. Nephilim bloodline?
Barron Trump, a Nephilim giant
Barron Trump, a Nephilim giant
Make a choice
The choice is yours (Heaven or Hell):

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Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
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