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Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
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List of some of the topics presented on this website

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Follow that one man
WWII, The last crusade for the spirit of Europe
No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth. - Plato
"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth". - Adolf Hitler
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
"Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief."
- Frantz Fanon
Stop World ControlFlags
Stop World Control
Note that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. Trump appointed Anthony Fauci. Trump created "Operation Warp Speed" to create the COVID-19 vaccinations. Trump still supports people receiving those vaccines. Apparently, "Stop World Control" is not yet aware of just who Donald Trump really is...
Recently I viewed a video with David Sorenson, the spokesman for the website "". In the video David defended Trump, on Trump's stance of supporting Zionist Israel. Unfortunately, as a result of watching his video, I am of the opinion that David Sorenson and "" are controlled opposition. What "" states is true, except for what it states about Donald J. Trump. This is how controlled opposition works. Most of what they say is true, but the subject they want to safeguard is not. And that subject they are protecting is the subject of Donald J. Trump, Antichrist.
A satanic power has taken over our whole country
What is happening now in the U.S. is exactly what occurred in Germany prior to World War II. Germany was being taken over by the Ashkenazi Jewish Communists. Hitler tried to prevent this. What has been said about Hitler is information provided by his enemies, those Ashkenazi Jewish Communists. The Jews own the media and publishing companies, so they control the narrative concerning Hitler. The Jews have lied and rewritten history to their advantage. The Holocaust was a hoax. It is mathematically impossible for the Holocaust to have occurred. The Holocaust was used as a ploy to elicit sympathy from the Goyim. When you read this web page, you come to understand just how one sided the information concerning Hitler is. That information which was provided by the Jewish media and publishing companies. So the point of learning the truth about Hitler is for us to learn from this so it will serve as a warning to us as to what is occurring in our country (U.S.A.) right now.
Quote from Patton
Been fighting the wrong enemy all along
Quote by General George Patton about the Russian Ashkenazi Jewish Communists
Hitler was the world's last chance to rid itself of the yoke of Jewish tyranny!
The Jews with all of their lies and propaganda, can not extinquish the truth! The truth will come out!
MEMORIAL VIDEO - Adolf Hitler - Watch
MEMORIAL VIDEO - Adolf Hitler - Watch
Jul 4, 2024
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Vilified by the Jews
The more an individual is vilified by the Jewish controlled mainstream media, the more likely that individual is speaking the truth. Truth that the Jews are attempting to extinquish with their lies, propaganda, and bullying. If an individual is vilified by the Jewish controlled mainstream media, their publishing companies, and their newspapers and magazines, then you can be certain, that that individual that they are attacking has the moral fortitude to stand up to these evil Satanic Kharzarian Jews (i.e. the Synagogue of Satan ). If you search for the truth, then you will discover that individuals that have been depicted as monsters by the Jewish controlled mainstream media, were in fact people of high moral character that had the audacity to actually stand up to the true monsters, the Jews.
Hitler's Peace Plans Part 6 - Watch
Hitler's Peace Plans Part 6 - Watch
Aug 23, 2024
Are you also tired of this Hitler and Putin BS - Watch
Are you also tired of this Hitler and Putin BS - Watch
Jul 3, 2024
The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres - Watch
The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres - Watch
November 13, 2022
Hitler vs Rothschilds Why WW2 Started - Watch
Hitler vs Rothschilds Why WW2 Started - Watch
May 31, 2024
THIS WAR IS INSANE - Adolf Hitler - Watch
THIS WAR IS INSANE - Adolf Hitler - Watch
Jul 4, 2024
The Power of Propaganda. - Watch
The Power of Propaganda. - Watch
Pay close attention of how powerful is the Mainstream Media (propaganda) same tactics, plus today's technology as what is happening now.
4 years ago
The goal of Judaism of today is a merciless campaign against all German people and the complete destruction of the nation.
Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.
Timeline of Jewish Expulsions
Timeline of Jewish Expulsions
It's That Time... Again
May 4, 2024
The Jewish Subversion of Our Culture - Watch
The Jewish Subversion of Our Culture - Watch
Nov 27, 2024
Candace Owens: Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie
Candace Owens: Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie
Jun 19, 2024
Patton quote
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Der Kampf zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge - Adolf Hitler [FIGHT BETWEEN TRUTH AND LIES] - Watch
Der Kampf zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge - Adolf Hitler [FIGHT BETWEEN TRUTH AND LIES] - Watch
Jun 25, 2024
All Wars are Bankers Wars, by Michael Rivero - WATCH!
All Wars are Bankers Wars, by Michael Rivero - WATCH!
6 years ago
Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!
Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!
January 30, 2017
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:
Cuba, North Korea, and Iran
Can you guess why the Jewish Rothschild Israel may soon be at war with Iran? Iran is next in line to be swallowed up by the worldwide Jewish Rothschild central banks.
Central Bank of Iran (independent of the Rothschild central banks)
All Wars are Banker Wars
Ukraine is a banker's war
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People
Posted on February 2, 2015
The Struggle For Peace - Adolf Hitler - Watch
The Struggle For Peace - Adolf Hitler - Watch
Jun 29, 2024
Argent Beacon
Argent Beacon
The Impartial Truth
The Impartial Truth
Both Napoleon and Hitler tried to break away from the Jewish shackles placed on their countries by the Jewish banksters. And both Napoleon and Hitler were vilified in the history books which were produced by the Jewish owned publishing companies. During the time of Napoleon, the British were completely controlled by the Jewish banksters. The Jews rewrite history for their own agenda and are not concerned in publishing the truth.
The Hidden Satanic Global Power Structure...
The Hidden Satanic Global Power Structure...
Posted on June 30, 2023
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March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order
March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order
July 20, 2015
"Maintain humanity under 500 million" (Translation: Depopulation/genocide of 6.5 billion people).
March 2016 Summary/Conclusions from My Three Websites: The 9/11 and Global Warming Frauds Are Psy-Ops to Usher in (Judaic-Satanic) New World Order (PDF)
January 24, 2015
Georgia Guidestones: Anonymous Monument Of The Illuminati
Georgia Guidestones: Anonymous
Monument Of The Illuminati

Sunday, April 5, 2015
Georgia Guidestones Demolished For "Safety Reasons"
Georgia Guidestones Demolished For "Safety Reasons"
July 7th 2022, 7:44 am
  I believe that the same people that built the Georgia Guidestones are the same people that blew it up. What is the Freemasonry motto? "Order Out of Chaos". Blowing up their own monument is certainly chaos, now comes the order, The New World Order that is... Dr. Claudia Albers states that Satan uses open disclosure. He lies to us and openly states that he is lying to us. This is because God will not allow him to do what he wants unless he openly discloses it to us first. Open disclosure gives Satan power. The Georgia Guidestones was their open disclosure. Now that the same people that built it have blown it up, they obviously believe that the open disclosure requirement has been fulfilled and they are now free to do what they have planned.
New World Order (NWO)
Power of Prophecy
State of the Nation
Solution to Counter Jewish Worldwide Takeover
Solution to Counter Jewish Worldwide Takeover
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
Its the Jews
The Antisemitism Hoax Has Officially Collapsed. Jews Don't Know It Yet, But It's Over.
The Antisemitism Hoax Has Officially Collapsed. Jews Don't Know It Yet, But It's Over.
Nov 29, 2023
Matrix of Gog (The): From the Land of Magog Came the Khazars to Destroy and Plunder (book)
Matrix of Gog (The): From the Land of Magog Came the Khazars to Destroy and Plunder (book)
Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills – How to spot them. What aren't they telling you?
Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills – How to spot them. What aren't they telling you?
January 31, 2018
Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills – How to spot them. What aren't they telling you? (PDF)
January 31, 2018
Entity Art - Awakening Articles and My Art
Europa: The Last Battle - All 10 Parts - Complete Documentary / Film And Final Version (2020) HD - Watch
Europa: The Last Battle - All 10 Parts - Complete Documentary / Film And Final Version (2020) HD - Watch
Watch this video! The Jews did this to Russia, and now they are about to do the same thing to America! Wake up America!
GTV Flyers - Red Pill (5 movies to watch)
GTV Flyers - Red Pill (5 movies to watch)
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
They See You as the Enemy - Watch
They See You as the Enemy - Watch
May 2, 2024
Revelation 17:5 NKJV
5 And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth.
The Whore of Babylon Riding the Beast
The Whore of Babylon (Ashkenazi Jews) riding the Beast (primarily the United States of America).
CI-36: The Jews are NOT God's Chosen People // Major RED PILL // Watch and Observe the graphics! - Watch
CI-36: The Jews are NOT God's Chosen People // Major RED PILL // Watch and Observe the graphics! - Watch
Aug 28, 2024
Hitler - The Ultimate Red Pill
Hitler: The Ultimate Red Pill Documentary - Watch
Hitler: The Ultimate Red Pill Documentary - Watch
4 years ago
Origin of the Swastika
Hitler knew the White Race is True Israel.
The Greatest Christian Fighting Satan's Seed
What did Hitler say about multiculturalism?
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - DVD's for sale
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - DVD's for sale
Adolph Hitler saw a seething blood red sky at his mountain retreat and 9 days later World War II began
Adolph Hitler saw a seething blood red sky at his mountain retreat and 9 days later World War II began
Portents in the sky during the signing of the Nazi - Soviet Pact
Feb 3, 2011
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How World War II Really Started - Watch
How World War II Really Started - Watch
April 15, 2023

The Buying of Mr. Churchill
The Buying of Mr. Churchill
July 29th, 2015
Winston Churchill
The man directly responsible for the demise of the British Empire is Winston Churchill. The policies which he pursued before and during WWII were diametrically opposed to the interests of the British people. Churchill acted as he did because he consciously and deliberately served Jewish interests from at least 1938 until the end of the war. Shadowy Jewish benefactors offered to alleviate Churchill's financial problems with hundreds of thousands of pounds in "loans." He would repay his new masters by obsessively pursuing the destruction of Germany, regardless of the cost to Britain.
International Banksters Plotted the Duping of Adolf Hitler
May 26, 2023
Neocon Stooge Winston Churchill Bought and Paid For By Jewish Interests
Neocon Stooge Winston Churchill Bought and Paid For By Jewish Interests
September 22, 2016
Winston Churchill Helped Start 'Unnecessary War'
January 31, 2018
Winston Churchill - Traitor and Murderer
October 14, 2019
Winston Churchill and the 1943 Starvation of 4 Million in Bengal
Winston Churchill and the 1943 Starvation of 4 Million in Bengal
August 30, 2022
3 leaders of WWII
Churchill bombings
We will have War with Germany whether he likes it or not.
Winter Watch
Media Myths
June 28th, 2015
Hitler was doing one thing which resulted in a huge, lying hate-propaganda effort against him from Hollywood. That one thing was Hitler's campaign to break the grip of the Jews on Germany. In Germany Hitler took the news and entertainment media away from the Jews. He kicked them out of the legal profession, which they had monopolized. He kicked them out of the teaching profession, where they had been pumping their ideas into the heads of German children. And Hitler did all of this peacefully, non-violently. He didn't round Jews up and shoot them. He simply made it illegal for them to own German newspapers and German radio stations. He made it illegal for them to practice law or to teach in German schools. And so the Jews were leaving Germany. Between 1933 and 1939 two-thirds of the Jews in Germany emigrated.
Anti globalist website: "Zionist Jews" defamed Hitler as "monster and villain"
Anti globalist website: "Zionist Jews" defamed Hitler as "monster and villain"
America's JFK, Germany's Hitler, Libya's Gaddafi, and Iraq's Saddam Hussein all tried to take back monetary control over their nation and resisted the takeover and looting of their central banking system by the Jewish terrorist banksters. All of them were taken out by the Jewish mobsters.
Children and animals sense evil in humans, yet Hitler loved children and animals and they loved him back. Hitler was an artist . He painted flowers and beautiful pastoral scenes and landscapes. More and more people are realizing that everything they have been told about Hitler by the "terrorist Zionist victors" is false.
July 1, 2020
Quote from Adolf Hitler
Hitler's plea for peace.
It is not my ambition to wage war.
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Peace offered by Hitler
You were told we were monsters.
The Greatest Story NEVER Told | The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler - WATCH ALL OF THIS AND LEARN!!!
The Greatest Story NEVER Told | The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler - WATCH ALL OF THIS AND LEARN!!!
The Greatest Story NEVER Told | The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler - WATCH ALL OF THIS AND LEARN!!!
The movie "The Greatest Story Never Told" is 6 hours and 32 minutes long.
Adolf Hitler is the most misunderstood leader in world history. Zionist Jews and their compliant allies have made him into a monster and a villain through propaganda. Generation after generation is inundated with Zionist-owned Hollywood studio movies that sell the same old six million Jewish holocaust story and Hitler-was-a-monster movies.
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - DVD's for sale
The Six Million Fact or Fiction? (book)
The Six Million Fact or Fiction? (book)
The Jewish Holocaust is Mathematically Impossible
If one Jew died every minute then it would take 11.4 years for 6 million Jews to die. World War II only lasted 6 years, from 1939 to 1945. It is mathematically impossible for 6 million Jews to die in 6 years. The Jewish Holocaust is a hoax!

Do the math:
6,000,000 (6 million)
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 day = 1440 minutes
1 year (365 days) = 525,600 minutes
6,000,000 / 525,600 = 11.4155 years

WWII German soldiers had "Gott Mit Uns", meaning "God is with us" in German, inscribed on their belt buckles.
WWII German soldiers had "Gott Mit Uns", meaning "God is with us" in German, inscribed on their belt buckles.
German WWII planes and tanks had the Christian cross emblem.
German WWII planes and tanks had the Christian cross emblem.

Eisenhower, the terrible Swedish Jew

Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans (PDF)
Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point yearbook picture when he was dubbed "IKE, THE TERRIBLE SWEDISH JEW"?
June 8, 2022
Eisenhower the "Swedish Jew"? (PDF)
Eisenhower the "Swedish Jew"? (PDF)
Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
June 8, 2022
Ike's Open Field German Camps 'Stretched For 10 Kilometers'
German prisoners of war (POW) being confined in U.S. camps in open fields
Ike's Open Field German Camps 'Stretched For 10 Kilometers' (PDF)
In 1945 America and Britain Froze and Starved to Death Over a Million German POW's And Civilians
Germans in their schools were taught the truth by learning of the Jewish "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". The Germans knew what they were fighting against, Satanic forces, the Jewish Communist. The Germans knew that the "Protocols" were Jewish plans to conquer the world. Einsenhower (Ashkenazi Jew) and the Russian Communist Ashkenazi Jews worked to suppress this knowledge by murdering the entire German army.
Eisenhower's Background

The family name of Eisenhauer was changed from its original spelling to that of Eisenhower. Eisenhauer is a Jewish name.
Eisenhower Was Considered Incompetent
During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe.
Bernard Baruch was behind Eisenhower's promotion. Bernard Baruch was an Ashkenazi Jew.
His military promotions on the eve of WWII and during the war are curious to say the least. Zionists found an Army officer who had been a military failure until Bernard Baruch promoted him to General. His actions and responsibilities during and after the war: direct, personal negotiations with Stalin on the placements of the armies (and the surrender of territory won by Americans, with the ceding of that territory to the Russians).
In 1940, at Dunkirk, the German army had the defeated British and French armies completely surrounded. Hitler intentionally delayed the German army of advancing for two days as a gesture of peace. As a result of this delay, most of the British army escaped and avoided capture by the German army.
Eisenhower issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction. It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. 1.7 million German POW's starved to death in concentration camps because of Eisenhower.
Now, which leader was more humane? Hitler, in 1940, who spared the British army at Dunkirk or Eisenhower, in 1945, who intentionally starved the German army to death? You decide...

Other Losses (book)
Other Losses (book)
by James Bacque
Bacque revealed that as a result of the policies of the Western Allies, some 1,000,000 German captives in U.S. and French camps in Northern Europe had died of maltreatment, exposure, disease and starvation.
Other Losses - German POWs at the end of WW2. - Watch
Other Losses - German POWs at the end of WW2. - Watch
Nov 29, 2023
The Largest Ethnic Cleansing In History - Watch
The Largest Ethnic Cleansing In History - Watch
The ethnic cleansing was of the German people after the second world war.
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (book)
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (book)
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (video) - Watch
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (video) - Watch
Europa: The Last Battle - All 10 Parts - Complete Documentary / Film And Final Version (2020) HD - Watch
Europa: The Last Battle - All 10 Parts - Complete Documentary / Film And Final Version (2020) HD - Watch
Watch this video! The Jews did this to Russia, and now they are about to do the same thing to America! Wake up America!
Quote from Patton
Hitler's Economic Miracle
The real reason for World War Two?
"Germany is too strong. We must destroy her." Winston Churchill Nov 1936
When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly bankrupt. For years, the Allies had demanded crushing reparation payments, and private currency speculators would cause the German Mark to plummet.
It was a total destruction of the national currency and wiped out savings and businesses, leaving ordinary Germans to starve.
Hitler devised a national credit program which included the construction of new roads, bridges, canals and port facilities.
Jews at this point were removed from prominent financial positions and instead of borrowing from the banks at interest, the government issued bills of exchange called... Labour Treasury Certificates.
This issuance of currency was backed by the productivity and economic output of Germany's labour force, and it came on the authority - not of some private-owned central bank - but that of the National Socialist government itself.
Germany even succeeded in exporting goods abroad despite the 1933 international Jewish boycott, using a barter system that again cut out the banks completely.
As a result, Germany - despite the worldwide depression - became the most powerful and prosperous state in Europe in only 5 years.
According to the 1978 book "Which Way Western Man?" by William Gayley Simson:
"The German peasant, who had been on the verge of utter ruin was given an honored status as the source of the nation's food supply, his land was released from the grip of the Jewish usurer and measures taken to ensure that it should, 'remain permanently in the possession of one family, handed down from father to son.'".
The Jews could not let this continue as they knew it would spell the death of their debt-driven monetary system. World War Two starts in earnest that year.
It was not a war between Germany and the Allies, it was a war between Germany and the Jewish powers who controlled the Allied governments and their media, using both to propagandize the Allied populace into fearing and hating the German people.
In the end, it took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution and bring Europe back under the heel of the bankers, where it remains to this day.

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Adolf Hitler, champion
Hitler was against usury
The Myth of German Villainy (book)
The Myth of German Villainy (book)
REPORT: FDR's Pearl Harbor Stand-Down EXPOSED - Watch
REPORT: FDR's Pearl Harbor Stand-Down EXPOSED - Watch
Watch & share this report that's based on the work in Robert B. Stinnett's acclaimed book, "Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor."
December 7th 2023, 10:10 am
Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor (book)
Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor (book)
by Robert B. Stinnett
My Thoughts on WWII
Roosevelt and Truman were both Freemasons. Freemasons pledge their allegiance to Lucifer (Satan) and NOT Jesus Christ! Freemasons are nothing more than stooges for the Jews. Both Roosevelt and Churchill conspired to force America into the war. Roosevelt set a trap for the Japanese by placing an oil embargo on Japan. Roosevelt knew of the impending attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. had already broken the Japanese code. Truman purposely dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the largest Christian community in Japan at that time. Eisenhower, who is suspected of being Jewish, intentionally caused the starvation of 1.7 million German POW's in concentration camps. Germany was a Christian nation that had the Christian cross on both their tanks and planes. The WWII German soldiers had "Gott Mit Uns", meaning "God is with us" in German, inscribed on their belt buckles. The Harlot (Ashkenazi Jews AKA Khazars) riding the Beast (USA) used America to destroy a Christian nation trying to escape the bonds of the Jewish banksters. Germany was provoked to invade Poland by Poles slaughtering Germans within their territories. Russia also invaded Poland, but the allies (Great Britain and France) only declared war on Germany. Talk about hypocrisy. At the end of World War II, the Russian communists (the leaders were Ashkenazi Jews) occupied most of the countries in Europe. Great Britain and France never did free Poland as they had pledged to at the beginning of the war. The Jews manipulate events behind the scenes to bring about their objectives as prescribed in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". And they continue to do this to this day...
God is with us
The WWII German soldiers had "Gott Mit Uns", meaning "God is with us" in German, inscribed on their belt buckles.
The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty - Watch
The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty - Watch
Jun 4, 2024
The Secret Behind Communism | Dr. David Duke - Watch
The Secret Behind Communism | Dr. David Duke - Watch
Aug 31, 2024
Starts a world war to defend Poland... Gives Poland to Joseph Stalin
Pearl Harbor
Collusion: Franklin Roosevelt, British Intelligence, and the Secret Campaign to Push the US Into War
February 2020
Checkmate To Humanity - Watch
Checkmate To Humanity - Watch
Aug 15, 2023
Bolshevism Revolution
Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism
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Jews celebrated in 1917
Hidden, Suppressed History of Red Terror in Post-WWI Europe
Hidden, Suppressed History of Red Terror in Post-WWI Europe
June 4, 2022
Operation Keelhaul: Britain's Repatriation of Anti-Communist Russians and Ukrainians to Stalin and Certain Death
Operation Keelhaul: Britain's Repatriation of Anti-Communist Russians and Ukrainians to Stalin and Certain Death
September 26, 2023
Winter Watch
Banned from thinking
Victors of WWII
Jap landings
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Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment.
Jesse Owens snubbed by Roosevelt, not Hitler
Jesse Owens (athlete in 1936 Olympics) said President Franklin D. Roosevelt, not Hitler, snubbed him. In the immediate aftermath of the Berlin Games, a myth arose that Hitler, enraged at the triumph of an African American, refused to congratulate Owens on his victories because he failed to shake his hand. However, the press reported that the German leader gave the American sprinter a "friendly little Nazi salute," and Owens said that the two exchanged congratulatory waves. In fact, it was the conduct of Roosevelt-who never invited Owens to the White House or acknowledged his triumphs-that disappointed the Olympic champion. "Hitler didn't snub me-it was our president who snubbed me," he said months after the Games. "The president didn't even send me a telegram."
The Third Reich was not racist!
Books about black Nazis.
Candace Owens: Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie
Candace Owens: Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie
Jun 19, 2024
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry (book)
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry (book)
Arthur R. Butz
David Cole in Auschwitz - Watch
David Cole in Auschwitz - Watch
This documentary proves that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetuated by the Soviets (whose leaders were Ashkenazi Jews).
More Christians were Murdered in Soviet Gulags Than Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps – Why is The Anti-Christian Holocaust Never Taught in History Books?
More Christians were Murdered in Soviet Gulags Than Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps – Why is The Anti-Christian Holocaust Never Taught in History Books?
Westerners have grown accustomed to hearing about the six million Jews who perished in the holocaust, but what most people seem not to know is that many more Christians during that same time period died at the hands of the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union.
September 10th, 2024 08:22 AM
Anne Frank's step-sister tells Piers Morgan the Auschwitz liberation photos are fake - Watch
Anne Frank's step-sister tells Piers Morgan the Auschwitz liberation photos are fake - Watch
Mar 2, 2024
History enforced by law
Imprisoned holocaust deniers
Imagine if you will a group of people so disgusting...They have to make laws making it illegal to hate them.
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Power of Prophecy
Listen to the podcast below!
Perpetuating Hoaxes and Cons On a Gullible Populace
Listen to the Broadcast (podcast)

The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2 (book)
The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2 (book)
No holocaust
Concentration Camps
Holocaust Hoax
Holocaust denied by Russia
Other Losses (book)
Other Losses (book)
by James Bacque
Bacque revealed that as a result of the policies of the Western Allies, some 1,000,000 German captives in U.S. and French camps in Northern Europe had died of maltreatment, exposure, disease and starvation.
Other Losses - German POWs at the end of WW2. - Watch
Other Losses - German POWs at the end of WW2. - Watch
Nov 29, 2023
The Largest Ethnic Cleansing In History - Watch
The Largest Ethnic Cleansing In History - Watch
The ethnic cleansing was of the German people after the second world war.
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Major World War II Articles
The Unz Review - An Altenative Media Selection
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (book)
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (book)
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (video) - Watch
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (video) - Watch
Jewish plan for white genocide
Joseph Stalin
Those who vote
The Serapeum
Massacre In The Katyn Forest - Watch
Massacre In The Katyn Forest - Watch
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People
Posted on February 2, 2015
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Jeremiah 30:7: Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.
  Jeremiah 30:7
Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.
We are presently living in the time of Jacob's trouble!
The United States and Great Britain are Israel. Joseph, the son of Jacob (Israel) had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Descendants of Ephraim became Great Britain and its Commonwealth nations. Descendants of Manasseh became the United States of America. The Stone of Destiny is just one of the proofs substantiating this fact. Read the evidence of this fact in the links listed below.
The United States In Prophecy
The United States In Prophecy
Listen to the podcast below!
Prophecy and the United States
Listen to the Broadcast (podcast)

Prophecy and the United States - Watch
Prophecy and the United States - Watch
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
The United States and Britain in Prophecy (PDF)
The United States and Britain in Prophecy (PDF)
Britain's Stone of Destiny - Watch
Britain's Stone of Destiny - Watch
When King Edward I captured the Stone of Destiny in 1296, he immediately had a coronation chair built to contain the Stone. Why?
September 12, 2015
What is the Stone of Destiny at King Charles III's coronation? The legendary history of the Scone block
What is the Stone of Destiny at King Charles III's coronation? The legendary history of the Scone block
The Stone of Destiny presently on display in the Great Hall in Edinburgh Castle Legends link the symbolic rock to the biblical Stone of Jacob from the Book of Genesis
03:51, 12 Sep 2022 Updated 04:47, 12 Sep 2022 predicts up to 80% of population culled by 2025 in countries where Europeans live predicts up to 80% of population culled by 2025 in countries where Europeans live
UK, US, and Germany look to be "epicenters of slaughter" (Updated 1/16/23)
Dec 5, 2021
Massive Human Die Off in 2025? - Watch
Massive Human Die Off in 2025? - Watch
Jul 2, 2024
From Stones to Syringes
From Stones to Syringes
The Real Jews Were White: The Synagogue Of Satan & Identity Theft of European History - Watch
The 13 Lost Tribes of Israel - America - The Land of Unwalled Villages
The 13 Lost Tribes of Israel - America - The Land of Unwalled Villages
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Jews Founded & Rule Communist China
Jews Founded & Rule Communist China
Jews funded China
It's not the Chinese, STUPID; it's the... Khazarian Cabal.
Posted on June 28, 2023
Read George Orwell's Animal Farm free online!
Read George Orwell's Animal Farm free online!
George Orwell
George Orwell - Author of the books: 1984 and Animal Farm
The Empire of Lies is the Jewish New World Order (NWO)
It’s not the "Illuminati" - It’s International Jewry
It’s not the "Illuminati" - It’s International Jewry
June 11, 2018
108 countries have expelled Jews
Red Cross visits
Zionist Talmud
Jew world order
Truth Be Told - WATCH ALL OF THIS!
Truth Be Told - WATCH ALL OF THIS!
This video exposes the Jewish mischief makers fomenting discord throughout the world.
July 11, 2023
Adolf Hitler & WW2 Truth - Quote Gallery - Exposing the Lies
Adolf Hitler & WW2 Truth - Quote Gallery - Exposing the Lies
June 2, 2018
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis stated the following "Apparently Putin has said that he has submarines all around America ready to nuke the whole country".
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Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
Khazar Jews in 1876. DNA studies show that today's Jews are descendents of the Khazars.
The Khazarian Mafia: How fake Jews took over the planet
The Khazarian Mafia: How fake Jews took over the planet
Posted on January 16, 2023
It was clearly articulated by Bibi Netanyahu in 1990 at Finks Bar in Jerusalem as the following transcript from his voice recording will show. This recording was witnessed by senior Intel Officers who were surveilling him. Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is the present Prime Minister of Israel.
Consider these words of this racist, subhuman operative leader (Netanyahu) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia which were captured on tape at Finks Bar. This is the incredibly evil anti-human who planned, ordered and supervised the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01. Don't be fooled by his two faced lies any more which are dispensed frequently by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia's controlled major mass media.
Here are Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's recorded words spoken at Finks Bar in Jerusalem in 1990:
"If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn't matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World's biggest welfare state that we will create and control."
"Why? Because it's god's will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves."
Recorded words spoken by Netanyahu
Not Jews but Khazars
More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained
The Balfour Declaration was a statement that came in the form of a letter from Britain's then-foreign secretary (1917), Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community.
More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained
More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained
More than 100 years since Britain's controversial pledge, here is everything you need to know about it.
2 Nov 2018
Judea declares war on Germany on March 24, 1933.
Hitler was right!
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Zionism - Judaism - Freemasonry - New World Order - Satanism - Kabbalah - Israel - Palestine - Holocaust - Hitler - Second World War - National Socialism
Zionism - Judaism - Freemasonry - New World Order - Satanism - Kabbalah - Israel - Palestine - Holocaust - Hitler - Second World War - National Socialism
August 22, 2017
Zionism - Judaism - Freemasonry - New World Order - Satanism - Kabbalah - Israel - Palestine - Holocaust - Hitler - Second World War - National Socialism (PDF)
1948 State of Israel was NOT a Fulfillment of Prophecy - It was an Ethnic Cleansing Massacre (Nakba)
1948 State of Israel was NOT a Fulfillment of Prophecy - It was an Ethnic Cleansing Massacre (Nakba)
June 27, 2024
Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys - 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany and 10 Reasons why Hitler was one of the Good Guys
Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys - 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany and 10 Reasons why Hitler was one of the Good Guys
January 26, 2018
Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys - 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany and 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys (PDF)
Entity Art - Awakening Articles and My Art
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA studies show that today's Jews are descendents of the Khazars.
Six Pointed Star
Make note of the "Star of David," the symbol of the Jews and of Israel and Rothschild. Count the number of triangles on the Star. Count also the number of outer points of the Star and the number of lines of the hexagon within the Star. Do you not come up with the numbers "six-six-six"?
crop circle
Star of Remphan
Star of David = Star of Remphan - Watch
Star of David = Star of Remphan - Watch
Nov 1, 2023
Israel phosphorus
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Ecstasy Should Be Used to 'Cure' People of Their 'Hateful' And 'Anti-Semitic' Beliefs - Jewish Daily Forward
Drugging "hateful" people with "MDMA and other psychedelics" may be a powerful "tool for deradicalization"
Monday, July 17, 2023
If you want to know who controls you, then look at who you cannot criticize. - Voltaire
"The media and educational system have dumbed the people down to a level hitherto unknown in the civilized world. They are modern-day zombie populations, led around by the nose-mentally so manipulated that they cannot think straight, much less act in their own self-interest, either as individuals or as societies and states. Both in spirit and in reality, they have become the tax-paying cash cows and playthings of an alien oligarchy." - Ernst Zündel
Ernst Zündel sentenced to 5 years for Holocaust denial
Posted: Feb 15, 2007 6:11 AM CST | Last Updated: February 15, 2007
Who is Ernst Zündel?
Who is Ernst Zündel?
Who is Ernst Zündel? Why is he loved by so many - and equally demonized and vilified by others? Get to know the one-man powerhouse Revisionist who has dedicated his life to clearing Germany of the blood libel of the "Holocaust".
Institute For Historical Review
Germany again jails 93-year-old woman for Holocaust denial
Germany again jails 93-year-old woman for Holocaust denial
Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to 12 months in prison, with judges saying they couldn't suspend sentence because she showed no remorse
1 April 2022, 11:54 pm
Dave Chappelle
Adolf Hitler was an animal lover.
Hitler died for his people.
Zionism Explained
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis stated the following "Apparently Putin has said that he has submarines all around America ready to nuke the whole country".
The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, August 15, 1871
The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars, August 15, 1871
Albert Pike (historical Masonic figure) was a 33rd degree Freemason, Occultist, Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order. Albert Pike is the only Confederate military officer with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C.
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
Khazar Jews in 1876. DNA studies show that today's Jews are descendents of the Khazars.
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Israel Introduces Bill to Outlaw Teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sentence Violators to Prison
Israel Introduces Bill to Outlaw Teaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sentence Violators to Prison
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
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Proposed Legislation Would Outlaw Talk About Jesus In Israel - Watch
Proposed Legislation Would Outlaw Talk About Jesus In Israel - Watch
Nov 16, 2023
'Death to Christians!' Holy Land Christians Under Unprecedented Attack in Far-Right Israel
'Death to Christians!' Holy Land Christians Under Unprecedented Attack in Far-Right Israel
Monday, April 17, 2023
VIDEO: Israeli Official Orders German Abbot to Hide His Cross While Visiting Western Wall
Monday, July 24, 2023
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Posted on November 25, 2022
DNA Test Confirming Khazaran/Ashkenazi Jews Are Not The Blood Descendants of Hebrew Israelites - Watch
DNA Test Confirming Khazaran/Ashkenazi Jews Are Not The Blood Descendants of Hebrew Israelites - Watch
7 years ago
Containment Camps
Debt-free currency
If Hitler won
Jews are too wily
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Hitler nearly smashed the NWO
The Curse of Usury - NWO Slavery
Usury concentrates wealth into fewer hands
Hitler wanted to safeguard Europe
Jewish globalism
They did call themselves Nazis
Let's be friends
The Ruling Elite (3 books)
Deanna Spingola
The Ruling Elite #1 (book)
The Ruling Elite #1 (book)
A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation
Deanna Spingola
The Ruling Elite #2 (book)
The Ruling Elite #2 (book)
The Zionist Seizure of World Power
Deanna Spingola
The Ruling Elite #3 (book)
The Ruling Elite #3 (book)
Death, Destruction, and Domination
Deanna Spingola
Providing a general overview of the accurate history of World War II-which was essentially a continuation of World War I with the same saber-rattling participants-The Ruling Elite describes the circumstances leading up to World War II. Author Deanna Spingola discusses how the diaspora-distributed international bankers living and prospering in Britain, France, and America influenced greedy, compromised, and complicit politicians in those nations. The Ruling Elite explains that through deceptive propaganda, those politicians persuaded naive citizens to wage war against Germany, a peace-loving nation whose leaders were uncooperative with the bankers, which led to World War I. Following that war, German officials rejected the bankers and their money-lending scheme to save their nation and its citizens from the burden of debt. The aftermath of World War II-a deadly war that killed millions and imposed communism in numerous countries-impacted every banker-occupied country in various ways: culturally, morally, politically, and economically. Researched through historical documents and scholarly works, The Ruling Elite describes how warmongers regularly project their criminal activities onto others, frequently blaming the victim, whether an individual or a nation. Spingola offers an unbiased look at World War II beginning with Hitler and the rebirth of Germany through the aftermath of the war.
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Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order - Who are the "Jews"?
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order - Who are the "Jews"?
June 20, 2021
The History of the Sabbatean Jews and Their Relationship to Rothschilds and Satanic Acts
The History of the Sabbatean Jews and Their Relationship to Rothschilds and Satanic Acts
August 18, 2018
Rothschild Cartel behind the rise of Hitler also funding communism socialism and world war - Watch
Rothschild Cartel behind the rise of Hitler also funding communism socialism and world war - Watch
American companies owned by Ashkenazi Jews, which are part of the Rothschild Cartel, provided technology and money to Hitler both prior to and during World War II.
9 years ago
Anthony Cyril Sutton was a British-American writer, researcher, economist, and professor. Antony Sutton has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth.
The Fake Nazi Death Camp: Wikipedia's Longest Hoax, Exposed
The Fake Nazi Death Camp: Wikipedia's Longest Hoax, Exposed
For over 15 years, false claims that thousands of Poles were gassed to death in Warsaw were presented as fact. Haaretz reveals they are just the tip of an iceberg of a widespread Holocaust distortion operation by Polish nationalists
Oct 4, 2019
The Ashkenazi Jews got caught in a lie about the Holocaust, so the Jewish newspaper Haaretz blamed that lie on the "Polish nationalists"
"You Know, the Word Nazi Comes from Ashkenazi"
"You Know, the Word Nazi Comes from Ashkenazi"
Israel National News stated "The court case of a rabid anti-Semite commenced in Holland last week when Jews decided to fight back. Truth is stranger than fiction."
Jul 27, 2012, 11:55 AM
The Dutch "kangaroo" court found the truth seeker, Jeroen de Kreek, guilty. The court would not allow de Kreek to call witnesses for his defense.

Jeroen de Kreek stated:
-Jews themselves caused the Holocaust, or in any case the Zionists, which are no Jews, but Nazis.
-The Holocaust did not happen, but if it did there are far fewer people killed than 6 million.
-Theodor Herzl incited all pogroms, the Rothschild family financed IG Farben and Auschwitz.
-The Ashkenazi Jews wanted to colonize Palestine and therefore promoted anti-Semitism from the French Revolution on.
-Ashkenazi Jews are not real Jews because they are not descended from the real Jews, the Sephardim. Zionists are not religious and therefore are not real Jews.
-"Holocaust" is a concept from the Kabbalah, which states that after the Holocaust, Jews would be divine and could take possession of Palestine.
  The Jews themselves say that the crucifixion of Christ is their fault. The Holocaust was conceived and performed by Jews on Jews, the Zionists built Auschwitz.
-Many Jews who were murdered were not Jews, because Jews are not a race but a religion.
-The word 'Nazi' really comes from 'Ashkenazi'.

Hitler's Jews
David Cole in Auschwitz - Watch
David Cole in Auschwitz - Watch
This documentary proves that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetuated by the Soviets (whose leaders were Ashkenazi Jews).
An old idea from a German Jewish scientist spared by the Nazis is getting new life: Prevent and treat cancer by cutting out sugar
Otto Warburg in his lab in 1931, the year he won the Nobel Prize for his research on cellular metabolism.
An old idea from a German Jewish scientist spared by the Nazis is getting new life: Prevent and treat cancer by cutting out sugar
Cancer is a disease governed by genetic mutations, and fueled by sugar.
Published Oct. 5, 2021, 5:00 a.m. ET
Hitler's mother died from cancer. Hitler financed and supported Warburg's work to find a cure for cancer. Hitler was a vegetarian, he knew what caused cancer. "Nazi" was a derogatory term that described the AshkeNAZI Jews. It was the Jewish media that smeared the German army with that term. The German military was called the Wehrmacht. The German military never referred to themselves as "Nazis".
Adolph Hitler saw a seething blood red sky at his mountain retreat and 9 days later World War II began - Watch
Adolph Hitler saw a seething blood red sky at his mountain retreat and 9 days later World War II began - Watch
Portents in the sky during the signing of the Nazi - Soviet Pact
Feb 3, 2011
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Every Single Aspect Of Communism Is Jewish
masonic symbol
List of presidents of the United States who were Freemasons
List of Presidents Who Were Masons
Jews and U.S. Presidents
President Truman was a Freemason
Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason
Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason
President Truman ordered the atomic bomb to be dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was it necessary to order the dropping of those bombs on those cities? At that time, Nagasaki had the largest Christian population in Japan. Coincidence?
Christianity and the Nagasaki Bomb
Christianity and the Nagasaki Bomb
August 9, 2016
The Necessity of Incendiary Bombing Japan Was Another Evil Deception
The Necessity of Incendiary Bombing Japan Was Another Evil Deception
September 27, 2023
General Henry Arnold
Harry Truman's Corruption By Jews
For Truman's immediate recognition of the State of Israel on May 14 1948 only 11 minutes after David Ben-Gurion's Declaration of Independence in Tel Aviv, Truman was given by an American Zionist, $2 million dollars in cash in a suitcase aboard his whistle-stop campaign train.
Patton Assassinated to Suppress His Criticism of Post-War Policy
Patton Assassinated to Suppress His Criticism of Post-War Policy
September 24, 2023
Winter Watch
'Silence Patton': First Victim of the Cold War
'Silence Patton': First Victim of the Cold War
Jun 24, 2014, 05:12 PM EDT
Updated Dec 6, 2017
General George Patton was assassinated by the Jewish Communist (Ashkenazi Jews AKA Khazars). Patton's assassination occurred while Truman was President. His murder could not have been carried out without the prior approval of Truman.
Gen Patton's Clear Vision - Why He Was Murdered
Gen Patton's Clear Vision - Why He Was Murdered (PDF)
Patton On Communism And The Khazar Jews (PDF)
General Patton's Warning
General Patton
Murdered in Heidelberg
Quote from Patton
Did the Khazarian Cult Murder General George Patton?
Did the Khazarian Cult Murder General George Patton?
"No autopsy was ever performed. All the reports and investigations into the accident have mysteriously disappeared."
December 16, 2020
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Killing Patton?: The Not So Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General (book)
Killing Patton?: The Not So Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General (book)
by Patton's Wife and Soldiers
Allies destroying Christian Germany
Jews murdered Russian Christians
Jews starved millions of Ukranians to death
Portrait of Evil: Walter Duranty, the NYT Moscow Bureau Chief Who Deliberately Hid Soviet-Imposed Famine That Killed Millions in Ukraine
Portrait of Evil: Walter Duranty, the NYT Moscow Bureau Chief Who Deliberately Hid Soviet-Imposed Famine That Killed Millions in Ukraine
September 25, 2023
You killed me
Safeguard Europe
containment camps
Hitler did not want to bomb civilian targets
Konrad Heiden - Jewish Communist slanderer
Communist Jew who created the word "Nazi"
Big money men
Not racist
No usury
No usury
A Collection Of Fascinating Articles & Features About World War II
You Know, the Word Nazi Comes from Ashkenazi
It is my opinion that the term "NAZI" was derived from the term "Ashkenazi Jews". I believe that in World War II that the German Gestapo had some Ashkenazi Jews within their ranks. And when the Gestapo (Ashkenazi Jews) were rounding up the Sephardic Jews, that the Sephardic Jews would say that the "Nazis" were coming to get them. I believe that the Ashkenazi Jews wanted to get rid of the Sephardic Jews so that the Ashkenazi Jews would be the Jewish majority.
Do you notice a pattern here concerning our politicians? U.S. politicians are either bribed or blackmailed or both to kowtow to the Ashkenazi Jews. This has occurred in the past as well as our present time period. When are the American people going to wake up? After we are conquered by these bastards?
Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) in U.S. Government
Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) in U.S. Government
Ashkenazi Jews Control US Government! - Watch
Ashkenazi Jews Control US Government! - Watch
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Shah of Iran & Mike Wallace on the Jewish Lobby - Watch
Shah of Iran & Mike Wallace on the Jewish Lobby - Watch
The Shah of Iran being interviewed by the journalist Mike Wallace (Ashkenazi Jew)
How did things work out for the Shah?
Aug 15, 2023
The Jewish Mafia Rules the World - Watch
The Jewish Mafia Rules the World - Watch
Dec 6, 2022
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
AshkeNAZI "Jewish" BEHIND THE NWO! - Watch
Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis stated the following "Apparently Putin has said that he has submarines all around America ready to nuke the whole country".
A satanic power has taken over our whole country
Konrad Heiden
Konrad Heiden - Jewish communist
Nazi name
Nazi name
Nazi name
Mein Kampf - The Stalag Edition (book)
Mein Kampf - The Stalag Edition (book)
Lenin and Stalin
Jews celebrated in 1917
Victors of WWII
Holocaust Lies
Ken O'Keefe tells the truth about Adolf Hitler
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That angry face that you make
Anti-Semitic? Its a trick. We always use it.
Anti-semitic, Its a Trick, We Always Use it - Watch
Anti-semitic, Its a Trick, We Always Use it - Watch
Jewish Manufactured Terms
The American people have been well indoctrinated and brainwashed by the Jewish propaganda through their media.
To illustrate this, here are terms that the Jews have manufactured when you challenge their propaganda lies with the truth:
If you dispute the Jewish propaganda lies then you are labeled as a "Conspiracy Theorist".
If you become knowledgable about the truth concerning Hitler and are sympathetic to his cause then you are labeled a "Nazi".
If you attempt to defend the white race and favor Hitler, you are labeled as a "White Supremacist".
If you expose the lies and propaganda spewed out by the lying Jewish media then you are labeled "Anti-Semitic".
If you dispute whether the Jewish Holocaust actually occurred then you are labeled a "Holocaust Denier".
You see, the Jews have cleverly already come up with their manufactured terms to counter the truth.
If you don't realize you're being brainwashed, you have have probably been successfully brainwashed.
Jews! The Synagogue of Satan! Enemies of humanity!
Jews! The Synagogue of Satan! Enemies of humanity!
Revelation 2:9 New King James Version
9 I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA Unearths Stunning Secret: JEWS ARE KHAZARS!
DNA studies show that today's Jews are descendents of the Khazars.
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
BDS - Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
BDS - Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
Thursday 9th of March 2023
Boycott Israel
Novaky concentration camp
Novaky concentration camp
Novaky concentration camp
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Russian communism
Netanyahu Declaring Invasion: 'You Must Remember What Amalek Has Done to You, Says Our Holy Bible'
Netanyahu Declaring Invasion: 'You Must Remember What Amalek Has Done to You, Says Our Holy Bible'
October 29th 2023, 5:01 am
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the invasion of Gaza on Saturday by citing a commandment from the Old Testament calling on Israelites to "go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."
The fake Jews (Khazars) are using the Holy Scriptures to justify the slaughtering of innocent people in Gaza.
Israeli Troops Run Over Palestinian With a Bulldozer, Israelis Laugh About It On Social Media
Israeli Troops Run Over Palestinian With a Bulldozer, Israelis Laugh About It On Social Media
Such behavior is being encouraged from the top down in the name of "destroying Amalek."
November 12th 2023, 9:29 am
3 months ago
3 months ago
8 months ago
GTV Flyers - Red Pill (5 movies to watch)
GTV Flyers - Red Pill (5 movies to watch)
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
How We Can Defeat Our Zionist Occupied Governments Of The Jew World Order - Watch
How We Can Defeat Our Zionist Occupied Governments Of The Jew World Order - Watch
Mar 20, 2024
WW2 & Hitler
National Socialism vs Marxism
National Socialism vs Marxism
August 8, 2020
Way to crush the bourgeoisie
The Myth of German Villainy - WW2 - International Jewry vs Germany
The Myth of German Villainy - WW2 - International Jewry vs Germany
May 11, 2018
Adolf Hitler was not a Controlled Agent. He was not a Rothschild.
Adolf Hitler was not a Controlled Agent. He was not a Rothschild.
June 6, 2018
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Hitler's defintion of socialism
Cultural Marxism
Marxism destruction
Ideological subversion
Karl Marx
Bolshevik deaths
Germany will disarm
Hitler's social state
They insult a nation
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess
AVOF Nr. 182 - A Tribute to Rudolf Hess - August 27, 1987 (part 1) - Watch
Jun 19, 2024
AVOF Nr. 183 - A Tribute to Rudolf Hess - August 27, 1987 (part 2) - Watch
Jun 19, 2024
Ernst Zündel
Ernst Zündel
AVOF Nr. 186 - The True Story of German-Jewish Relations part 1 - Watch
Jun 22, 2024
AVOF Nr. 187 - The True Story of German-Jewish Relations part 2 - Watch
Jun 23, 2024
AVOF Nr. 188 - The True Story of German-Jewish Relations part 3 - Watch
Jun 23, 2023
AVOF Nr. 189 - The True Story of German-Jewish Relations part 4 - Watch
Jun 23, 2024
The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel - Watch
The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel - Watch
May 30, 2024
Is Hollywood run by Jews? You Bet!
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Hollywood lies
Jewish Owned Hollywood - Programming - Dystopian Future - Bi-Level World - Brainwashing - Mind Control
Jewish Owned Hollywood - Programming - Dystopian Future - Bi-Level World - Brainwashing - Mind Control
February 21, 2018
Marlon Brando
Schlinder's List movie banned in Malaysia
Schindler's List - 100% Hollywood Fiction
Defiance - 100% Hollywood Fiction
Sophie's Choice - 100% Hollywood Fiction
Jewish Actors and Actresses (A Comprehensive List)
Jewish Actors and Actresses (A Comprehensive List)
created - 26 Sep 2012 | updated - 15 Oct 2014
The Jews Are Our Misfortune - Watch
The Jews Are Our Misfortune - Watch
2015-11-16 16:33:27
Jews DO control the media
Who do you think owns the press? Hello.
Every single aspect of the media is Jewish
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Every single aspect of the JFK assassination is Jewish
Rebuilding A Nation - Adolf Hitler - Watch
Rebuilding A Nation - Adolf Hitler - Watch
Hitler rebuilt Germany and Germany prospered. Germany stood up to the Ashkenazi Jewish Communists. Will America stand up to them as well?
Jun 25, 2024
Swastika engraved in Lambach Monastery that inspired Hitler
Swastika engraved in Lambach Monastery that inspired Hitler
The first contact with the swastika for Adolf Hitler, was when he was a young student with the Benedictines at the Abbey of Lambach-am-Traum in upper Austria. At Lambach he saw the swastika engraved on the four corners of the monastery. Swastika is a Sanskrit word, derived from the roots su and asti, and means "that which brings good luck and well-being." The swastika is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. The swastika was never an evil symbol! The Jews hateful propaganda distorted the meaning of the swastika!
THE SWASTIKA - An Ancient Symbol - Watch
THE SWASTIKA - An Ancient Symbol - Watch
Jul 5, 2024
Thank God we the saved the West from Hitler
I tried to help you
Hitler loved animals!
Hitler with big dog
Hitler with dog
Hitler with dog
MEMORIAL VIDEO - Adolf Hitler - Watch
MEMORIAL VIDEO - Adolf Hitler - Watch
Jul 4, 2024
The Jews with all of their lies and propaganda, can not extinquish the truth! The truth will come out!
Work of Jewish brains
We will make our hearts cruel
Eating your children
Think different.
Dracula smeared
Dracula was smeared. He was a Christian leader trying to defend his country from an invading Muslim army.
Hitler was smeared. He was a Christian leader trying to prevent the takeover of his country from Jewish Communist oppressors.
We are living on the edge...
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Calculations for Time Lag
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Coronavirus and Vaccine Information
Coronavirus and Vaccine Information
Dr. Claudia Albers' Writings
Dr. Claudia Albers' Writings
Who is Donald Trump?
Who is Donald Trump?
Mark of the Beast
  Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
God's Witness
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence that Dr. Claudia Albers is God's witness
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculation for Time Lag
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
Wake Up America!

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Coronavirus and Vaccine Information
Dr. Claudia Albers' Writings
Who is Donald Trump?
Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Evidence That Dr. Claudia Albers is God's Witness
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
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