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Mark of the Beast
God's Witness
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AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
You Are Amalek
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We Are Living on the Edge
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Evidence that Dr. Claudia Albers is God's witness

Evidence that Dr. Claudia Albers is God's witness

Stop World ControlFlags
Stop World Control
Note that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. Trump appointed Anthony Fauci. Trump created "Operation Warp Speed" to create the COVID-19 vaccinations. Trump still supports people receiving those vaccines. Apparently, "Stop World Control" is not yet aware of just who Donald Trump really is...
Recently I viewed a video with David Sorenson, the spokesman for the website "". In the video David defended Trump, on Trump's stance of supporting Zionist Israel. Unfortunately, as a result of watching his video, I am of the opinion that David Sorenson and "" are controlled opposition. What "" states is true, except for what it states about Donald J. Trump. This is how controlled opposition works. Most of what they say is true, but the subject they want to safeguard is not. And that subject they are protecting is the subject of Donald J. Trump, Antichrist.
Dr. Claudia Albers, physicist, investigator and author... And God's Witness for the End Times...
Dr. Claudia Albers, physicist, investigator and author... And God's Witness for the End Times...
Dr. Claudia Albers
Dr. Claudia Albers
Dr. Claudia Albers came to bear witness to the Truth.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
"Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief."
- Frantz Fanon
Nanobots are Viruses
Dr. Claudia Albers provided a straightforward message for us. She said that Satan was the creator of viruses as well as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and that viruses are AI entities made up of nanobot units, which together make up a collective, a virus collective. This virus collective is just like the Borg collective in Star Trek. The Borg assimilates human beings so that they will be part of the Borg. Now, scientists and doctors are warning us about nanobots, essentially the same warning that came from Dr. Claudia Albers. But one important distinction though, the scientists call the viruses, nanobots. I believe that the Satanists want us to call viruses, nanobots. The importance of this is that by calling viruses, nanobots, the implication is that the nanobots are man-made, when in fact viruses were created by Satan. I believe that the Satanists are covering up the fact that nanobots are viruses. Refer to the PDF file: 1743. Viruses and the Borg: 666 assimilation.
The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek fictional universe. The Borg are cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) linked in a hive mind called "The Collective". The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of "assimilation": forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection".
A cybernetic organism is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts.
"Hive mind" tends to describe a group mind in which the linked individuals have no identity or free will and are possessed or mind-controlled as extensions of the hive mind. It is frequently associated with the concept of an entity that spreads among individuals and suppresses or subsumes their consciousness in the process of integrating them into its own collective consciousness.
The Borg is predictive programming. Predictive Programming is a theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events.
Predictive Programming is a manufactured term provided by the Jewish Satanists to explain as to why they show us and predict some future event. In actuality, they (the Satanists) have to show us this future event because of Open Disclosure. The Satanists don't want to warn us of this future event but they have to because of Open Disclosure. Dr. Claudia Albers states that Satan uses open disclosure. He lies to us and openly states that he is lying to us. This is because God will not allow him to do what he wants unless he openly discloses it to us first. Open disclosure gives Satan power. The Satanists usually show us this future event in the form of entertainment. By showing us a factual event in the form as entertainment, we don't accept it as fact but simply as entertainment. But by the Satanists telling us what will happen fulfills the Open Disclosure requirement with God.
Dr. Claudia Albers states They want people to be taken in by a lie that has been clearly shown to be a lie, for this is when Lucifer has the power to do the most harm to people. The creating of a lie and yet clearly disclosing that it is a lie is Lucifer's signature. The human 'powers that be' use it as if it is magic, it is like an act of worship of the father of lies, which gives them power to do what they want, but which it is really what he wants. (Dr. Claudia Albers, 1632, April 3, 2020).
1741. Viruses: nanobot AI entities: beasts of the earth: biological weapons
Saturday, May 09, 2020
1709. Virus manufacturing in hell: torment used to break spirits apart
Saturday, April 25, 2020
I would like to return as a deadly virus
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (Queen Elizabeth's deceased husband) stated "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
THE END OF HUMANITY - As Planned By The Global Leaders - Watch
THE END OF HUMANITY - As Planned By The Global Leaders - Watch
The BORG (STAR TREK Cybernetic Organisms Explained) - Watch
The BORG (STAR TREK Cybernetic Organisms Explained) - Watch
6 years ago
I am both a Christian and an American. I am alarmed about what is going on in our world, so I created this website to be both simple and direct, so that people could easily understand the message that I am trying to convey to everyone. I believe that we are currently in the Apocalypse time period and that it is being hidden from us by Satan. I also believe that Dr. Claudia Albers is God's chosen Witness for this Apocalypse time period. If you read Dr. Claudia Albers' writings, you will come to realize just how profound and deep her writings are. Besides providing information concerning Planet X, Dr. Claudia Albers also provides valid and insightful explanations for our unanswered questions concerning God and His creation. Also, ask yourself, if this is the time of the end, wouldn't God send His Witness to reveal His secrets before the end comes? So Dr. Claudia Albers is revealing those secrets or you might say she is providing you this information "for the record".
Evidence that Dr. Claudia Albers is God's witness:

The word "Flumans" was embedded in the Bill Gates' patent document under the heading named "Description" in paragraph [0035]. Dr. Claudia Albers stated that humans become viruses when they go to Hell. The word "Flumans" signifies humans and viruses. Satan, by placing this word "Flumans" in the document is taunting Dr. Claudia Albers, since she is the only one that has received this knowledge from God and thus is the only one to realize its significance.
Excerpt from Bill Gates' patent document under the heading named "Description" in paragraph [0035]:
[0035] Furthermore, the task(s) provided by task server 110 can include solving a test for distinguishing human from machine input so that humans but not computers are able to pass it, such as, Computer Automated Program to Tell Computers and Flumans Apart (CAPTCHA) and reCAPTCHA which is a CAPTCHA-like system designed to establish that a computer user is human. The task may require user 145 to solve a verification challenge, for example, but not limited to, an image based challenge including instructions prompting user 145 to solve the challenge through interaction with one or more images.
Examine the verse below from Revelation 11:3-5 New King James Version (NKJV). The word mouth is singular for two witnesses. This single mouth is for one person, God's Witness, (Dr. Claudia Albers), who speaks through the two witnesses, her YouTube channel and her website. The two witnesses cannot be two people since there is only one mouth for those two witnesses.
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Revelation 11:3-5 New King James Version (NKJV)
3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner.
Dr. Claudia Albers stated the following (on her website, at location 1683.):
Lucifer is clearly the inventor of AI life and is out to replace God's creation with his own. This is what the CORONA virus epidemic lie is supposed to lead to; it is supposed to lead to all human beings on the earth accepting the chip, which connects them to the 666 Beast, thus coming under its control through the internet. The internet is Lucifer's digital world, his matrix, controlled by the 666 Beast and designed to trap humanity like a spider web. Because the internet is the Beasts' operational space, this is where the battle between truth and lies rages during the final 7 years of this age. This is why the abomination of desolation was set up on the Temple ... church's website on March 4th 2020. This is also why God's opposition is carried out over the internet and why the testimony of the two witnesses is expected to be a presence on the internet, which as I have detailed in a previous article is likely to be my YouTube channel and website, since God has used me to speak the truth; the truth that He has shown me through the Holy Spirit, my teacher and my best friend, since the beginning of the Tribulation and which I have used to battle the 666 Beast and the FALSE PROPHET Beast, which generates troll comments. The Tribulation started in 2016, 49 years after the command to restore Jerusalem, on June 28th 1967, according to Dan. 9:24-27.
Dr. Claudia Albers explicitly states on her website on April 11, 2020, at the location 1682. Mark of the Beast closer and the 2 witnesses the following:
"Since God has specifically used me to oppose the lies and has revealed to me many secrets never before understood, until this time, it is likely that the two witnesses are my YouTube channel and my website." (Dr. Claudia Albers, 1682., April 11, 2020).
Dr. Claudia Albers is telling us that her YouTube channel and her website* are the two witnesses in the book of Revelation and that she speaks through those two witnesses. Also, the timing as to when Dr. Claudia Albers came forward and warned us of this evil Coronavirus that suddenly came out of nowhere and caught everyone by surprise. She warned us before those evil vaccines were implemented so that we wouldn't get those vaccines. God always sends someone to warn us before some imminent danger arises against us, and Dr. Claudia Albers is that someone.
Dr. Claudia Albers hid her announcement from the Satan AI entity of her being God's Witness by placing that announcement in the image "The two witnesses are not 2 men" (see image below). Since AI (Artificial Intelligence) can not perceive the message in the image, only humans could see her message embedded within that image. This is based on the principle CAPTCHA which uses images to tell computers and humans apart. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart).
1716. The two witnesses and God's judgment on the internet
Satan is using deception to conquer the world using the rider on the white horse of the first seal that receives a crown (Coronavirus) to conquer. Corona is the Latin name for crown. The Coronavirus is NOT a pandemic. That is a lie. Its mortality rate is only 1.9%. So why has God allowed Satan to do this deception? It is because people have not loved the truth and because they have not loved the truth, God has allowed a deception to be released upon them. The Bible verse below, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 explains this.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 New King James Version (NKJV) 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
powerful delusion
1832. Tribulation events: payment for the freedom of the Watcher angels
1832. Tribulation events: payment for the freedom of the Watcher angels
Sunday, July 05, 2020
Note: Article number 1832., written on July 5th, 2020, was the last article posted on Dr. Claudia Albers' website.
1805. Humanity: the fallen watchers given a second chance
Friday, June 12, 2020
*Dr. Claudia Albers' website ( was found to be down on August 22nd, 2023. Dr. Claudia Albers is God's chosen witness for the end times and this was her website! I suspect nefarious forces brought her website down! Those nefarious forces are the Synagogue of Satan which is comprised of the Ashkenazi Jews AKA Khazars! Note: I have attempted to remedy this situation by modifying the website "" by replacing each broken link with a PDF file in its place. But for some of the links I don't have a PDF file to replace that broken link.
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Please note that God's Witness, Dr. Claudia Albers, has not published anything on either her YouTube channel or her website since July 5, 2020. She predicted in her writings that the two witnesses, her YouTube channel and her website, would be overcome by the Beast. Most of her testimonials on her YouTube channel have now been made inaccessible or removed. There are remnants of some of her older videos still on YouTube but they are difficult to find. There are 3 "new" YouTube videos posted supposedly produced by Dr. Claudia Albers. But I find these 3 videos to be highly suspect and I don't believe Dr. Claudia Albers produced those 3 videos. I believe that the 3 "new" YouTube videos were produced by using an AI system that clones human voices to produce Dr. Claudia Albers' voice. I believe that the newer videos (excluding the 3 previously mentioned "new" videos) produced by Dr. Claudia Albers have been removed from YouTube. Where Is Dr. Claudia Albers?
Where Is Dr. Claudia Albers?
3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. (Revelation 11:3, New King James Version)
The two witnesses oppose the dragon and the two beasts (AI entities) of Revelation 13, who at this time operate over the internet. Them being dressed in sackcloth suggests a 'no thrills' type of operation and most likely not having a very large audience, as sackcloth is a very coarse type of material, usually worn by the poor. (Dr. Claudia Albers, 1716. The two witnesses and God's judgment on the internet, Tuesday, April 28, 2020)
Dr. Claudia Albers' website* will be clothed in sackcloth, a 'no thrills' type of operation, not having a very large audience.
I know this must all sound incredulous. But just look at what is going on with this never-ending virus and their never-ending vaccines! And to continue to give these so-called vaccines with their unknown ingredients that both injure and kill their recipients is simply criminal! And all this effort to vaccinate the entire world for a virus that has a 1.9% mortality rate! Now that is incredulous!
I would encourage you to read the information on this website with an open mind. Give Dr. Claudia Albers a chance. Read what she has to say before forming an opinion. Many people have preconceived beliefs concerning end time prophecy and the coming of the Messiah. After all, didn't the Pharisees reject Jesus because they were not open minded and would not change their preconceived beliefs concerning the coming Messiah?
All of the Apostles believed that they were living in the end of the age and that Jesus would return in their lifetime. Obviously, God does not reveal some events to even His chosen. Dr. Claudia Albers does exactly the same thing when she attempts to predict the time of the rapture. Should we disregard everything that the Apostles said since they were incorrect about the end of the age and Jesus' return? No. Should we disregard everything that Dr. Claudia Albers said since she was incorrect about the timing of the Rapture? No. There is also the possibility that Dr. Claudia Albers was correct in her predicted date of the Rapture.
Matthew 24:36 (NKJV)
No One Knows the Day or Hour
36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
Only God knows when the rapture and when the end of the world as we know it will occur.
Dr. Claudia Albers Predicted Dates
It is likely that the earth is no longer in the Solar System but that it was moved to another star system, where all the Planet X planets are taken to, once they are separated from their natural star.
1774. The Earth may no longer be in the Solar System
Thursday, May 28, 2020
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church - Watch
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry
Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry
Notice that the eagle has two heads. One head is the apparent adversary (bad guys) and the other is controlled opposition (bad guys pretending to be good guys). This way the bad guys control both sides of the struggle. This ensures that the bad guys will ultimately win because they control both sides.
Trump Crest of Arms
Trump Crest of Arms
Note that the Trump Crest of Arms has the same image of a double headed eagle as that of the Double Headed Eagle of Freemasonry.
A Crypto-Jew, or secret Jew, is someone who practices his/her Judaism secretly while openly professing another religion.
Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Dwight Eisenhower were Crypto-Jews.
Donald Trump, Joseph Biden, and Vladimir Putin are Crypto-Jews.
Do yourself and your family a favor... Don't fall into the Sheeple Pit...
Do yourself and your family a favor... Don't fall into the Sheeple Pit...
3 months ago
3 months ago
8 months ago
GTV Flyers
Information on the Jews (Khazars)
Make a choice
The choice is yours (Heaven or Hell):

We are living on the edge...
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculations for Time Lag
Calculations for Time Lag
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Coronavirus and Vaccine Information
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Dr. Claudia Albers' Writings
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Who is Donald Trump?
Mark of the Beast
  Mark of the Beast
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God's Witness
God's Witness
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Dr. Claudia Albers' Videos
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
Is Nuclear War Imminent?
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Black Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
Red Horse of the Apocalypse
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
The Synagogue of Satan Is Persecuting the Christian Church
You Are Amalek
You Are Amalek
Modern Medicine
Modern Medicine
We Are Living on the Edge
We Are Living on the Edge
Calculation for Time Lag
Calculations for Time Lag
Wake Up America!
Wake Up America!

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Red Horse of the Apocalypse
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